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Anarchy in the UK - London Riots


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the general opinion of the Londoners I know is "fuck the Olympics" anyway... Considering all the stories about not being able to buy tickets unless you're from abroad, Londoners being asked to avoid traveling and using public transport while the games are on- to make space for tourist visiting for the games... I personally am planning to leave the country during the games.

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Hahahaha that's the biggest white person problem I have ever heard. "Mehhh the OLYMPICS will lengthen my drive to work. Deary me I'm British mehhhhh." It's not like it's fucking road construction and they're asking the area to detour for a couple days. All of LA can stop driving for some ROAD construction, but london gets the OLYMPICS and throws a fit.


Seriously fuck you guys. Enjoy your riots. Fags.

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you serious? as if road construction doesn't happen in london? for 3 weeks the time of my bus ride to work will probably be more than doubled, there will be diversions everywhere... work will be extremely busy, with no reward for the workers for dealing with it, only the big bosses making more money... prices of everything are going to go through the roof while our wages stay the same... and me and anyone i know won't be able to buy a ticket, unless they have friends in germany or somewhere who'll buy it for them.

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ah yes... the worlds biggest party. a sports event that if i'm lucky i'll get to view on tv after work, as if it were in any other country around the world.

Oh I agree. It totally blows when the real olympics get in the way of me watching the olympics on television. Fucking hate when that happens. For a few weeks in my entire fucking life I almost had to endure it too. Thank god my ass-backwards city boycotted it so I wouldn't miss an hour of work. We told them between the giant fucking ferris wheel and national museums we don't need world class sport stadiums for us to use too. It would make my city too fucking ridiculous. We'd never get any work or rioting done.

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This riot is over cops shooting people.

A lot of the people rioting are just random dickheads joining in the fun, but there is still a point behind the riot.


Yeah, maybe during the first few minutes of the first night.


No one gives a shit this guy got killed. Authorities know this, little/nothing will change in regards to how police do things. You can bet there will be some heavy punishments handed out to some of the rioters they end up catching though.

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Three men died in Birmingham after a hit and run, bringing the total number of riot related deaths to four































































































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Soup, why you so mad? Every time I see you on this forum your having a tantrum about something. Chill the fuck out.


Anyway, Riots.

This shit has obviously gotten fucking ridiculous, and the guy getting shot by police is nothing to do with why most of those involved are doing it.

What we are seeing is a spontaneous outpouring of rage from the underclass in British society. A lot of these youts havn't got a chance of making anything of themselves. They get either no or a shitty education and then they have almost no hope of getting a job above minimum wage. On top of this they are vilified across society as nothing more than knife-wielding 'hoodies' and they get constantly harrased and abused by police.

All of this shit just becomes a vicious cycle/self fulfilling prophecy. You treat people like animals and they behave like animals.

They don't give a shit about society or even their own communities because they don't feel part of them.

None of this excuses what's been going on. Much of it has been blatant oppurtunism with many people just jumping on the bandwagon(seen middle-aged people, families, all races and classes getting involved because hey, who doesn't like free shit?)

But these are some of the underlying reasons behind why it's happening.

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Apprently the 16,000 cops idea seemed to work out for the most part in London.

but it had already seemed to be moving outward and calmed down in the original area anyway.

It has spread to other parts of England still, and Manchester has now realeased it has been a new site of the current violence and ''rioting''.


The thing I find interesting is that they are now showing in some town the people have united to challenge

back the rioters and they are blaming the police for not doing their duty.

They havent been hit by the riot yet either.

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You fail to realize that America was created over a "hissy fit" like this.

And that the founding fathers were "progressive liberals".


I completely disagree with your two points, I wont get into a pissing match about

it either cause were not gonna change each others minds so me and you can

agree to disagree and leave it at that....



someone has the right idea at least

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I think the olympics would be a pain in the dick for any city hosting. I personally couldn't give a shit about any of the sports being played, thats what we have all star games for in every league and if a person from another country is good enough he'll turn up in the NBA/MLB/PROTABLETENNISASSOCIATION because everyone in the world aspires to play in america.


kinda like when i lived in the south and the weekend the blue angels would fly attracted so many dickhead tourists that would pack the beach for a weekend and trash it. fuck you guys i saw them most tuesdays on my drive into work

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