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Where all the 12oz Jews at?

Gnarly Sheen

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one of my best friendsa from high school went to tel aviv to go to rabinnical school and stayed , been there for 6 or 7 years now . my step uncle was in the IDF and hes the coolest motherfucker on that sdide of the family AND scored an awesome wifey there. Actually i wish i would have gone, but im too old now, im onlky a technical jew but pretty much anyone can go if they make a claim bc its basically a recrutment trip to be in the IDF, real talk, but whatever israel is the best thing in the middle east

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My brother did it quite a few years back, and then ended up staying a week extra in someone's mansion that he met while he was there. I've thought about doing it, but i hate traveling and having to be on someone elses' schedule and do a bunch of pre planned shit.


Atheist jews taking advantage of free shit. do it up.

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i know a bunch of people who have done this. my girl even lied and got a free trip out of it. fuck shes adopted they dont know. but what umad posted is true. it is an IDF recruitment trip. if you want to travel a bunch there are some countries that do not let you in if you have an israeli stamp in your passport. however, i dont think you are too concerned about that. not to judge or anything. personally i would do it because it is a free trip but just take into consideration that what you are seeing is only what the IDF wants you to see.

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I'd go free fucking trip to see another country why the fuck not?!?

War with Palestine?

Those superjews in black who stink and never seem to change their clothes?


Recently I've seen them advertising Israel on TV as a country to visit. I'm not sure what the draw is.

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