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Getting even


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I would think some one could help a brother out in 6 pages but I got your back. The instant payback cost money, free non-violent ones takes a little while.... so here goes.




First off sign this fucker up for NAMBLA, next put in as many free personal ads as possible from with his name and number. Make sure the anything goes, no string attached, depraved type shit get put in.

Put this dude picture on blast in residential areas as a register sex offender, make them lead right to front door so that he follows them from his front stoop like a bread crumb trail only to find them every fuckin where. I MEAN FUCKING EVERYWHERE. .....Grease his front stoop bad, spread it over every square inch like butter all down the walk way. You could even add oil to make it harder to remove and more slippery. If he has a car you can put vasoline on him windshield wiper blades he won't know till it's too late.


cheap instant revenge


buy a cheap cell phone, a throw away and order ridiculous amounts of food delivery to his house from every place in town (all at once) when you know he is home. They will take your (fake) number for confirmation just don't answer numbers that you didn't call. You could watch this berage of food assault happen from a distanse if you realy wanted to. Do the same with takeout and never pic up.

Not only is this a pain for him now and makes him look like an asshole to some poor delivery guy but it will make it difficult for him to order food in the future also.

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We decided that on Saturday we're gonna go down there as a group with lawn chairs and a cooler full of food and beer and camp out in front of the place till he comes out or shows up. Then we're going to come to some kind of understanding or....I don't know, that part still hasn't been worked out.


Have you considered a course of action involving, maybe, an ass beating?

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Somehow I feel like your revenge should involve feces. What about Roaches or Bedbugs? Not sure where you get those but if you could come up on a bag full of bedbugs. I cant think of a meaner thing you could do to someone. If you can get his spot infested by them shits not only will they feed on him while he sleeps but they are expensive to get rid of. I got tossed inpatient rehab and the house had bedbugs. I didn't sleep for 90 days. Some of the other people there had 20-30 bites all over them. I almost left out even though it would have put me back in the county.

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I was thinking about releasing a bag of crickets into an open window...they're loud, ugly, and they reproduce like crazy.


In light of some new dirt that came up I'm beginning to think that he might need to have his Chi balanced. Or, in other words, his ass kicked.

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If he has a car you can put vasoline on him windshield wiper blades he won't know till it's too late.


I like aluminum oxide, it's a very effective abrasive...imagine powdered sandpaper.


As far as why I changed my mind, I believe it's inevitable that he's going to start some shit when he's confronted...I can't see any way to get this resolved in a way where violence doesn't figure into the picture.


I don't want it to but I didn't want to deal with this at all in the first place.

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if his door to his building opens inward you can lean a trashcan full of water against it. it'll flood the building when opened.


put a fucked up ad on craigslist with his number saying he's seeking some hot bbw's or an anal orgy or something

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New scenario. I was DRUNK, stupid begging for it drunk the other week. Walking home I bump into some rank tranny or ugly bish, don't remember too well, like I said, haggard drunk. Get home and discover my wallets gone. Rank fuck pocketed me. I'm all for violence in general but not against a female. Still a gentleman at heart I guess. So if I ever see this peice of trash bish and it is a female and not a male what are your revenge suggestions? But if I see an Adams apple I'm tearing the cunt out.



What are you sexist or something? Equal rights means equal lefts.

Break that bitches teeth.

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Here....this is really fucking simple, but reading comprehension being what it is I'll break it down like crack cocaine for everyone.


I (or about a dozen other people) could ratpack this guy no problem, that's not the question here. The issue is that this guy is threatening to do something to my friend if he doesn't leave town while simultaneously preventing him from leaving town.


So I want to fuck with him like he's fucking with my friend. Hard, with no grease, no kiss afterward.




Then why don't you's just "rat pack" him hard enough that he doesn't even wanna think about looking at your boy?

Or if that's not gonna do, then tell your boy to go to the DMV and get a new ID?


Sounds pretty simple to me.

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It's funny that the people that know me in person on here haven't had much to say. My guess is that they get my MO, while everyone else here seems...I don't know, confused? Angry?


I don't think my intentions are hard to understand...I don't like drama or violence but I definitely don't like seeing my friends get treated badly for no apparent reason.

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It's funny that the people that know me in person on here haven't had much to say. My guess is that they get my MO, while everyone else here seems...I don't know, confused? Angry?


I don't think my intentions are hard to understand...I don't like drama or violence but I definitely don't like seeing my friends get treated badly for no apparent reason.


My advice on physically having your boys back was tongue in cheek, because I don't think anybody on here confuses you with being a tough guy.


My advice on you telling your boy to just go to the DMV and get a new ID was not tongue in cheek.

I'm starting to wonder if you really are just hoping for dramatic responses so that you can watch yourself bitch on and to the internet about your boys drama.

I mean for fucks sake the title of your thread is "getting even".

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I think I figured there's enough of a creative pool here to tap for ideas...but what I don't understand is how people can state the obvious without stopping to consider whether that occurred to me or not.


Sure, smacking/strongarming the guy makes sense on some level. Getting a new ID makes sense too, it's certainly the most expedient means to an end. But there's extenuating circumstances that I thought I made pretty clear.


A big part of the story that might fill in some blanks is that my friend recently lost his musical instrument which was his main source of income. We're working on replacing it, but until then we're making sure he has what he needs because he's done a lot for the community which is why we're doing what we're doing for him....and also because it's the right thing to do. In addition to that we're also trying to get a couple of our housemates out of jail, so our house budget has been stretched pretty thin.


As a household/community we don't function on the same level as most folks. That's not to say that we're better or anything, we just do things differently. That's why I chose to be a part of what's going on here, and why I occasionally have to take on certain responsibilities and obligations I would otherwise pass by.

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i agreed with your non-violent stance right up until the douchebag threatened your friend, that is the line for me and probably a lot of other people. if you do pull practical joke shit and the dude doesn't back down, follows through with his threat and your boy gets in shit, you'd feel pretty bad about that. it's far too easy to end it face to face, hence why instead of the elaborate measures for payback people would sooner fight a person.


i like the idea of non-violence, but if there's any credibility to the threat i wouldn't give a fuck.

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That was the deal breaker for us too. That and the fact that he told dude to leave town while preventing him from doing so...in my opinion he's just begging for retaliation.


The guy in question is my size, but to me he's clearly not a threat. If he was really bout it bout it he would have come over here and fought my friend, but he's not stupid enough or crazy enough to take on 10-15 people who have nothing to lose. However, he is dumb enough to make idle threats so I don't know.


edit- My friend is leaving town one way or the other for the winter, so he's got nothing to worry about as far as payback goes. I guess that means it all comes down on us...so the idea is to make him think "Damn, I fucked with the wrong group of people."

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why dont you just, man up... and stop acting one hour photo.


clearly you hang with shook bitches that wouldnt know a backbone if he were eating a bucket of confederate greaseand antifreeze colored coleslaw. i cannot stand gutless people even more so than chest puffing 2 drink lush luni-losers.


people who dont have the balls to stand up for themselves, and one step further whats right get no sympathy from me. in fact, they get a finger point and hystaric.


if yer holeinsock homie is to jelly to take back whats his, assuming hes legit in the ongoing of what transpired, and the life loser cant buck up on a can of paint to put this redzoned embaressment behind him only to run off to a land far far away from bullies yelling mcfly. clearly hes worthy of extortion and ruining his entire existance.


your sad attempts at living and ghey rants on some destructive league cowerdness do not surprise anyone, but what does raise my brow is that you have the nerve to broadcast a story so full of lame in such a "matterofact" way without actually having the manpride to understand how vagina you and the company you keep are.


you lost at life shai, bout time you give up on it like you did your hygene.

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