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Battle to the Death at Home Depot


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in the end





























































the winner, and sole survivor. Twonpeezy.

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at what point did you start a valid argument ? i only remember this starting from you posting umadpics lol'ing a lot and in general just trying to fuck up a perfectly good thread.





You almost won until you brought a rainbow to the fight. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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what the fuck are you even talking about? most of your little come backs and shit are so fragmented and filled with retarded images i feel like im about to have an epileptic fit everytime i see you post.

fuck i wish this was real i just want to ball pin your fuking teeth into your throat and rape you with a machette taped onto an electric drill.




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holy shit dude way to gay up a thread...




we all bow down to your clearly unstoppable combo of 5 mm aluminum and a 10 inch blunt object, possibly the least threatening hand weapon in the whole store. And "trolling" this thread. Highly amusing...

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T;7615551']you bastards still havnt got around my post i made before i went to the club and drank atleast 6 mixed drinks i took it light its tuesday.


Electric chainsaw

Extension Cord

A Box of Hardwood flooring or Laminate flooring




you got a cord. id step on it.


the end.


the box of flooring you can ebay and buy a better idea for next time. LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I would take a five gallon bucket of lubricant and soak the aisles, then press record on the security cameras and hide out until the melee was over after which I would take the security tape footage and sell the dvd as Hood Fights number 49 and get rich off of suburban kids with voyeuristic tendencies for the ghetto. My resulting riches would then be drained by lawyers fighting off the lawsuits of human rights organizations and I would die penniless and lonely.


Seriously though... chainsaw, gas, and a first aid kit.

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i wonder what your like in real life twon? by your online personality you must be the butt of a lot of jokes and you obviously dont do much other than sit on here trying to be funny and attempting to get some attention by being the "bad guy",if you want to "troll"people this really isnt the place . i never got "umad" at you just "ufrustrated" because you manage to just fill a thread with 4 pages of complete and utter random shit, your a verry arrogant little shit as well.this is not good.


i cant waite to hear your response to this if you can even read as my theory is you just hate the world so much you refuse to read or listen to anyone as all the people you have ever met are just hostile towards you,yet on the inside you long for a friend, a companion, someone you can trust, someone who wont tell you every thing is ok then do things you are too young to understand.


hopefully this will make a lot of people realise why you are the way you are and with thier help we can make life a little better for you,for only £2 a month we can feed,clothe and even get twon poo some love and a hug just by calling 0800-twn-nds-lve thank you ,and together we can not only save a life ,we can save ..his future.




did i do it right?

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I propped twon for his umadding of armand hammer, just because watching people get furious on here is great.


But seriously, this isn't a thread about growing weed or someone drunk posting about how big the dump they just took was. There's no reason to troll it and this place has sucked recently...quality thread is quality, don't fuck the whole game up.

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