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I was chilling with my boy the other night and he kicked his habit up to needle status. Lost all his teeth and tells me in so many words that he's fucked. I know this as well, because he could really never work in a structured environment(meaning rehab). I had to leave. That or sit there and stare at my dying friend.

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woke up to find out my homie's kid found him on the floor this morning, dead as fuck from banging oc.


all this opiate talk was bad luck. be safe folks. if you gotta get high, do it without needles.


My condolences.


I just buried one of my oldest and best friends on Wednesday. He had been shooting dope for the past 15 years with clean spells only when he was in the joint. He didn't get to go to any of the funerals for his mother, father, or sister who all died from dope overdoses because they all happened during his stints in prison. I watched heroin kill an entire family, and it was fucking painful. I'm not trying to one up you on some worse drug overdose post, but reading your post, it seems fitting to empathize with you. It sucks man, and you are absolutely right- anyone who makes a habit from shooting opiates will eventually die from it. I'm tired of going to fucking funerals.

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this thread needs a pick me up........






































































































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