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no bro, didnt read what you wrote, remind me tomorrow


even tho im from michigan, i love canada hands down


torront, ontario, vancouver, etc, always have fun, less crime, no worries, etc, just a little rivalry you know?:


ahh ya word up no doubt. i remember reading yer posts before. yer good, i remember now.


i forget names if not powerposted for some dumb reason ha.


Please, Canadians are not innocent of being douche nozzles when it comes to being humble about their country.


Supply and command, man. Supply and command.


of courrrse homie, im talking strictly from an overall standpoint. look at me for chrsts sake im the biggest flag waving douchebag there is.


jack ass i might add too:)

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O Canada!


Our home and native land!


True patriot love in all thy sons command.


With glowing hearts we see thee rise,



The True North strong and free!




From far and wide,




O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.



God keep our land glorious and free!



O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.



O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

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i will add that canada for those that have never been or gave it any thought, in terms of its cities. is very nice, relatively low crime when compared with american cities of the same size. dramaticly lower murder/gun rates and far less biggotry.


as for the people, there is a large difference albeit to to a relatively low reasoning. patriotism is huge. my biggest disapointment about my country is that we lack it. people are certainly not nesasarily "nicer" were just the same as anywhere else. but there is far less discrimination diversity. and for america, that is certainly not a one sided debate as to why. many reasons, blacks oppresion for hundreads of hyears and how they even got there for christs sake. horrible. the fact that mexico boarders onto the states which is a good example of diversity. like north of the american border and then look south. one is very similar and the other a literal world apart.


canada really is a great place, but that does not make it better than the u.s. it just makes it as good. and with a typical constant chip on alots shoulders up here. thats all they need to realize.


i dont need to waste my type in saying how proud i ma to be from where im from, but i will add this. i intend to migrate to the us. not because i find it better, but because its more diverse. america is fascinating because of its sheer diversity.


i love the fact you could be in any given bar, gas station restaraunt and there will be people with 5 different tongues with 5 completely different upbringings from a strictly location point of view.


i like the fact that the population is so great that you can skip from city to city state to state and really, never get dulled down by your own country.


yall have 300 million people, we have 30. in a larger land mass. theres really only 5 or 6 cities amidst like 5000 miles that are legitiment in terms of an urban developement. thats ashame.


thats alotta ground you gotta cover for not alotta diversity.


you have to drive 10hrs from vancouver until you reach another location with a real downtown. thats not enough, BUT. thats the way it is.


so embrace it, its who you are.




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ive lived in south florida my whole life


now i know south Florida economy relies partly on tourism and drugs aaaand canada provides most of that tourism during the winter season .. but i have to say ...


some of yall mother fuckers are some of the cheapest smellyest most disgusting things i have ever seen walk on this earth. also yall are some straight up perverts and some gross mother fuckers too. i might be mixing the Germans up with the Canadians but ya are both weird as fuck. walking around shirtless half the time smelling like straight up sardines and swamp water..

thinking you can walk anyplace without barely any clothes on. then the driving ... ohh shit .. is there even a test for that ? they must just give em away.. then you expect people to just understand fucking french ? .. hELL no


but thanks for your money and buying the shit dirt weed at a ridiculous price. see ya next winter.

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Those are the french canucks son. Anytime ive ever met some low life Canadian at work, they were french, barely spoke any English, and would hand me like 37 cents as a tip.


FACT: All Canadians from Quebec that drive down to Florida, do it in a mini-van.

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I don't really intend to get involved in the great, conglomerated fuckery that is this thread; I just thought that I would toss in my two American pennies.

1. As a somewhat a-typical American, I speak only for myself, not for the republic at large.

2. X-box Live is the shut-in equivalent of a club - the refuse of society tends to congregate there; don't judge anyone not involved in the scene by their actions.

3. As a Florida resident, don't judge Americans by what you see here. Most of the denizens of this state hate America more than they hate Canada.

4. I bear Canadians no ill-will. Governmentally, I dislike your collectivist/socialist tendencies, but I no more hate all Canadians for this than I hate all Americans for the policies of our government.

5. Any form of like or dislike borne towards any racial or national group (American, Canadian or otherwise), so long as based entirely upon an ideological construct, is based largely upon an abstract, collectivized conception of what that group is like. Since there is no actual entity which that abstraction truly represents, it is necessarily and inherently flawed. In short, this entire thread is worthless, and a waste of time.

6. I probably won't revisit this thread, for the reason listed above, so don't expect further comments.

6. Feel free to re-post this in the 'drunken rambling', thread, as it undoubtedly belongs there.


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wow you kids catch feelings.


i thought id give yall a little opportunity to vent your supposed online hatred for the country above you, so i could understand a little better your stereotypical attitudes.


apparently asking for an explanation on 12oz is the equivalent of being a "whiny bitch", kinda sad.


ive fucked your girls before, theyre much easier to bag than canadian broads, probably because we canadians are polite, charming, educated, and have bigger dicks.


the xbox live thing was an example, yall kinda blew that shit outta proportion. i cant tell you how many times ive been partying with americans who act like they smoke pounds of weed/could drink me under the table, you know typical american bullshit. those same kids are usually greening out fifteen minutes later, with puke dripping off their american eagle hoodies.


as far as rockin your clothes? fuckit son, keep your tommy hilfiger and calvin klein. i fuck with the italian shit, gets the bitches wetter.


ill keep using america for its weather and easily influenced female population. so you keep on fighting the world and keep me and my canadian brethren safe from the bad guys.






ps. isnt it ironic that in a matter of a day dudes went from hating on canada to bustin australias balls? i think some of you may have a slight inferiority complex.


and its cuh-ler and i hate the whole stompdown internet youtube im a writer that films myself painting everything shit.

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and on another note...


the amount of tampons i received for this shit is fuckin hilarious.

especially swamp, who sends me the umad neg like its supposed to crush my spirits.

no homey, you mad for trying to ruin my all important "internet reputation" that i live and die for.


i couldnt sleep last night just thinking about it.

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