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Bolt cutters


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go to home depot or someshit and get the small ones.they should be about a foot and a half long.they work great for fences,chains and most padlocks.and you can use them as a weapon.you get hit in the head with that thats the end of the fight haha.dont get anything bigger than that because otherwise it will be impossible to carry around.these you can fit in a hoodie or your pants or someshit with ease.idk if they have smaller ones that will work but look for them anyways...as long as it opens wide enough to fit whatever your trying to cut in it you should have no problem...if you can find one thats smaller than a foot i suggest you rack that shit or something..anyways i found mine in some guys truck and took it home with me along with a hacksaw and some screwdrivers...



also check up on local laws and shit because im pretty sure in most places carrying them around is considered a felony or someshit.burglary tools or someshit like that i cant remember.i knew a guy who was in jail because he was wearing gloves and had a skimask on outside of winter and he got picked up for it...so watch out if you get stopped with that shit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

=TRILLionare;7387686]doesn't the army have that stuff that sprays on fences and dissolves it? granted i saw this in a videogame, but who knows...


Having some sorta sulfuric acid spray would be cool. Fuck while we are at it. Lets step in up a notch. Id love to have some small range EMP devices to knock out camras and or electroics and also a cloaking camouflage parka.




ghillie suits for the win.

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yeah because rocking a gilly suit is a great way to stay hidden in an urban enviroment...












i liked risks idea of bringing a really big trashbag nad then hiding in it when you get spotted.seems like it might work.

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doesn't the army have that stuff that sprays on fences and dissolves it? granted i saw this in a videogame, but who knows...


^you'd need a sprayer made completely outta glass. If it melts a chain-link fence-- it'll melt almost any container you'd wanna put it in. :lol:


I usually just climb. But there have been a few times when I'd cut two holes the day before, in case i needed emergency exits. I use a cheap set of regular 18" bolt cutters and they work fine. I don't think brand really matters unless you're breaking locks, amirite guys?

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  • 10 months later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd say only bring BCutters when you're doing a wall piece, not bombing as it's just extra shit/weigt to carry around or drop. If you're looking to just cut fences, just by a small handheld pair you only need to make one line up the fence (enough to pull it back to slip in, this way it doesn't leave a big obvious hole for any security, heroes or authority types to find and get wise about your methods /path of travel)


If you're just looking to bust open a door with a lock on it, usually there is a better way then cutting the actual lock off itself. Provided it is an older door and not a huge reinforced steel one (most older/abandoned industrial areas still have the big wood doors with a lock on a ring attached to doorframe. (atleast around here)


Anyways, yeah, if you just wanna get by a locked door, all you need is one of these usually...




Looks simple enough but fuck can they do some damage, I had to use one at an old factory I used to work security at (yeah yeah, chirp all you want, but I know how to find some sick places because of it) and I was inside the door almost instantly, it's a little bit louder method of entry sometimes, but it's also much quicker and this tool is far easier to carry or slip into a bag (and also more discrete) than a huge set of BC's.


If you have gallon cans of paint too I'm sure this would assist in opening them too, there you go, multipurpose! Just don't use it as a weapon as it'll likely kill whoever you hit in the head with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hopeless I was being cynical. But I did think some one was gonna say something about the ghillie not being good in a urban scenario. So ( cynically ) I say this. Heres 2 types of urban chillie suits.



god thats actually a great idea. no sarcasm. if im being chased by the cops and i kinda lose them but know that ill get caught if i try to be out(say theysve got the perimeter covered., ima dead-ass serious bust out a contractor bag and hide in fetal position and hopee i dont suffocte. dope

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  • 3 weeks later...

being in a plastic garbage bag is great for visual camouflage, but what about audible camo? any little move your body made would result in that fucking bag krinkling and making noise. since when do garbage bags breath heavily as if they've just been chased? better think again on that "hop into a FUCKING garbage bag" plan. or not... and learn the expert way! (thumbs up!)


i would say you should buy a pair of side-cutting pliers from home depot. KLEIN brand are very strong, and can make a lot of cuts on heavier steel, like chainlink fences. they're around 40 bucks/pair and slowly rising due to the recent jump in inflation. worth it, as well, cus they're primarily not a vandalism tool.


ps - more sarcastic comments, please. those totally help in cluttering up the thread with useless shit.


pps - c4 on the doors clears a nice, wide opening for ease of access. might be a little bit heaty due to the slight noise it makes.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Minecraft 18" 3 in 1. They've been a workhorse (cutting 1/0 wire for electrical work, not b&e) but you'd probably want the 14" since they fit nicely into a backpack. Around here, It's a class 4 felony if you get caught with them. 1 - 4 years D.O.C. plus whatever else they charge you with after you use them. Since there's a good chance you'll be going to jail anyway, they are free (17.99 otherwise) at most hardware stores. Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They work fence, chain, can be used as weapon.you get the most padlocks.and the head and thats the end of the fight against haha.dont get any bigger than this great fight against them, because otherwise it can not be around. these can match ease.idk, if they have a smaller, will they Buy RS Gold find work, but anyway in your jacket or pants or someshit ...

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