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Graff Shirt Hypocrisy

Weapon X

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Several years ago (I'm thinking 2002 or 2003), I made a thread on some graffiti shirt I had found at my parents' home. It was a Hugo Boss shirt with a Kadism tag on it. If I remember correctly, I was astonished at the fact that my conservative Hindu mother who hates what graffiti did to my life had a graffiti shirt. She didn't even know how she ended up with it but she would never have worn it. Neither would have I. Graffiti shirt? GAAAAYYY.


The only way I'd wear a Kane HSA shirt or something is if I was playing sports or just playing video games at home, unshowered.


So yesterday my mom found that shirt while doing spring cleaning, called me, and asked if I would like it.


It's one of those tight shirts that is 91% cotton, 9% elastic and has a big Kadism tag along the bottom front with "the bigger the better" or some shit next to it in a smaller print. After examining it closely, I think it very well could be a real Boss shirt.


The point is, I took it, and am gonna wear it the first warm day this week. It's gonna look dope with my tight pants.


I guess it's cool because it's not some hip hop piece or nothing. Just a philly hand.

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pics of shirt


I lost my camera a long time ago and never got a new one.


Just think one of those tight, almost muscle shirts, a bit elastic, a bluish tint, and a blue Kadism tag. Probably came out when urban graffiti stuff was cool on the runways. I'mma bring that shit back.

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omg i just found the original post. I never started the thread, and I thought it said "badism" originally until Hesh checked me. LOL


And in that original post, I'm saying that it's a "woman's shirt" no doubt. Here I am, seven years later, rocking what I once thought was no doubt a woman's shirt.

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I'm imagining a homo eurorash look to this shirt.


you would be correct. :cool:


no kidding. But I just don't give a fuck and haven't been able to afford to go shopping in a while. Boss jeans, this shirt, Lacoste shoes, and Prada shades when it's mad warm later this week.

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A shirt like that really helps show off the man boobz.


A good look for 2010.



My mom got me a Boss Orange shirt last year and I can't even wear it because it accentuates the belly so much. For some reason, this one is better. I will probably have to keep my back straight, though.

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