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Are you going bald??? Is your hair thinning? Are you worried your balding???? ME TOO!!!!


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Re: Are you going bald??? Is your hair thinning? Are you worried your balding???? ME TOO!!


Just cut your hair really short....I'm 20 and am starting to go bald at the corners of my forehead (kinda sucks considering I used to have almost shoulder length hair). I cut my hair myself and the guard I used is 1/8" (3mm). Its short enough to make it not as noticeable, but long enough for people to not call me bald/skinhead. And I cut it maybe like twice a week.


I kinda knew I was gonna bald because both my oldest brothers started balding at young ages too, but my dad has a full head of hair and he's 62

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Re: Are you going bald??? Is your hair thinning? Are you worried your balding???? ME TOO!!


So my brother is mostly bald, if he grew it he'd have maybe 1/4 inch over his ears... I'm not, at all. Just a sec ago, last week, I had pretty long hair, my bangs could touch the middle of my shoulders. Anyway, I shaved my head. When they saw it my nephews all started freaking out, I was bombarded with questions about why I would even want to do it and then the 4 year old says "You could be stuck like dad FOREVER!" I almost fell out of the car.

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Re: Are you going bald??? Is your hair thinning? Are you worried your balding???? ME TOO!!


Just shave your head all the way down, grow a beard or goatee. Boom, its a wrap. Or, you could grow out the hair on the sides like your dad and be lucky enough to bump into some sexy little late teen-early 20's jawn who has a fetish for bald men. Then again, you could also win the lottery.

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Re: Are you going bald??? Is your hair thinning? Are you worried your balding???? ME TOO!!


yea sorry guys. there is nothing you can do. cept a transplant and they arent always guranteed.

maybe theyll have a magic pill in 20 years. i hope so cuz i like my men with hair

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Re: Are you going bald??? Is your hair thinning? Are you worried your balding???? ME TOO!!


I used to have hair piece on my head but now I give it to you.


I was tripping about going bald all through my mid twenties but nothing really happened in the end. A little thinning and a half an inch or so recession on the forehead and then it stopped.

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Re: Are you going bald??? Is your hair thinning? Are you worried your balding???? ME TOO!!





on the "baldness" wikipedia page they have a picture of this homeless cat as an example of "male with pattern baldness." That's some cold shit, this poor guy isn't unhappy enough? Homeless, hairless, famous

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Re: Are you going bald??? Is your hair thinning? Are you worried your balding???? ME TOO!!


<Thick hair oner


The vietnamese women at the hair spot love to run their fingers through my hair..

According to them i will never be bald.


Its all based on your moms pops or some shit...

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Re: Are you going bald??? Is your hair thinning? Are you worried your balding???? ME TOO!!


Yo that wikipedia shit is fucking hilarious!!!!


Yo Morton Im trippin land Im in my mid twenties, I hope in the end nothing happens, I wanna be like you when I grow up.


Fuck the police and the vice president.

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Re: Are you going bald??? Is your hair thinning? Are you worried your balding???? ME TOO!!


i think it looks good when a guy just shaves his head, rather than trying to cover his baldness somehow, whether it be combover or toupee or whatever.

my uncle got plugs though. it's a big deal to some dudes.

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Re: Are you going bald??? Is your hair thinning? Are you worried your balding???? ME TOO!!


i think it looks good when a guy just shaves his head, rather than trying to cover his baldness somehow, whether it be combover or toupee or whatever.

my uncle got plugs though. it's a big deal to some dudes.


So after my first post in this thread, I'd been thinking, drinking, regular stuff so the other night I shaved my head again. Last time I just wen't w/ the 3/4" guide all over, but that just didn't sit after a couple days... what with the beer and all. So, I shaved it again w/ no guide and then faked up a male pattern baldness look. I got it most of the way done and had my Bro tighten up the back. I sorta screwed up on one side but it's so short it should even out in a few more weks w/ a 1/4" guide. The top has been fully bald since though. In the evenings I hit it w/ my electric razor and the actual razor in the mornings. I'm aiming for a full-on 'Gavin MacCleod' by St. Pat's.


*Gavin MacCleod:



I was gonna just start growing it back after April Fool's day; however, I've been thinking about taking it to the next level of commitment andafter Easter I might start cultivating a wicked sparse comb-over.


*and for everyone laughing at the concept but not taking me seriously... please believe, this IS a joke but it is NO LIE. For at least the next couple months, bald is my new haircut... Also, I'm hoping to up the stakes by getting a job before I start trying to cultivate the comb-over for an even more delightful X-mas present where I just shave it all back to 3/4", thereby baffling everyone I've met in the last year.

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Re: Are you going bald??? Is your hair thinning? Are you worried your balding???? ME TOO!!


Its all based on your moms pops or some shit...


Yeah, am I setting myself up for the ultimate fuck-o? This year I'll be 40. My Papa (Mom's Dad) has been bald since I've known him but even before I knew the 'trick' when I was a little kid I asked Papa why he was bald ('I dunno') and when he went bald ("around 50")...


He was full on G MacC when he told me this stuff but my mental math puts him around 48 when he said it, so I'm sceptical and confused. He doesn't like me (it all goes back to me being the guest of honor at my parent's wedding) so I can't ask him again but... what with the new style I'm asking myself, what if I do this, then grow it back and in the next decade it all falls out, I might actually have to kill my nephew. Family business is SO weird...

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