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diggn that stuff.


So Ive been melting a lot. processing down aluminum into ingots for easier use. Did the green sand mould for a test experience. And now I wanted to try the "Lost Foam" technique.....basically a foam form is made and the molten metal destroys it and takes it place once poured.


polystyrene is needed ak Styrofoam



made a simple lil vessel. got the channels glued to it etc



submerged in sand



after the pour



yanked it out and dunked it in some water to cool off. Not bad for my first attempt on something simple. Kinda gives me an idea of my potential at the moment. Going to have to practice how to do the channels for the flow and all.



Also did a lil test to see if I could lock in a stone etc. nothing special. just wanted to see the damage the metal might do.


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Anger, those portraits are fresh as fuck.


SF, I'm excited to see your DIY casting. I need a kiln for my new shop. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go in the vein of yours. Thanks for all of your step-by-step. I've done a lot of lost wax casting. I've never tried the foam. Keep us updated. :) Here are two lockets I finished today for a commission.





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Thanks. Im familiar with lost wax process, basically same idea, but I know you can get so much better detail with wax. Although I dont think Im going to gravitate towards jewelry any time soon. Im going to experiment on what details I can and cant get with the foam. Really from the looks of it and what Ive seen others do the limitations are in the foam. Going to pick up some extra tools today to help with the foam shaping. Ill definitely keep everything posted. The process documentation and everything has really helped me be more productive and Im very very very happy for that.


Soon hopefully Ill incorporate some ceramic and wood aspects to tie the metal together.

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So i caught this scientists in FL doing ant hill casting and I thought how cool would that look upside down mounted as a type of abstract decor. So I tried it today. I think its freaking cool.



Although i know some people would get all animal cruelty on me. You can actually see each ant because they left behind a black mark of themselves.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
trout is cool!


PEN3 when is your kid due?


He's due in May, so it's crunch time to get anything I want to do artistically out of the way. Plus with wedding season starting, I have less and less time to make the art I like to make. I also have a few large commissions coming up and they're not exactly what I'd call fun. I recently started offering hand painted cakes for my dessert catering business though so it's an ill way to be able to kinda do what I like to do and get hella paid for it.


Ferrari cake for a 16th birthday.






Guitar pedal cover.


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^^ congrats man! I have one coming as well May the 6th- it's a bit gnarly thinking about all the time I'm not gonna have. looking at all the paint stacked that I have zero chance of using up! and franticly trying to put out my next issue of the fanzine as well as laying out a book project with a mate


the cakes are really cool - you have a great hustle there!

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