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four loko is racist


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All the stores in my area stopped selling 12oz cans of any caffeinated alcohol - sparks, tilt, rockstar21, four maxed (way better than four loko) and now there just sell all sorts of awful shit like this this in huge a can. This happening to anybody else? I'm pissed.

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I don't doubt that you can drink them and live to tell the tale. It's that it's a way different drunk than anything else you have ever tried.


You do agree that every kind of alcohol has its own buzz, right? Well, this one is a motherfucker.



no fucking joke.


my hubby went out with a friend for his birthday last summer and i was driving me and my kids to hang with my mom and homey calls me and says he's dropping hubby off at home. at like 5:30..... i say 'what's going on?' homey 'he's had too much' me 'of what??!'


found out when i got home and after he woke up (he was still sleeping on the couch 3 hours later) it was the loco. 2 and like one regular beer. we don't party much anymore but he's no lightweight. he has warned everyone of this since.


cool story huh?

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  • 2 months later...

I drank EIGHT LOKO (2 FOUR LOKO) last night. Holy crap do I feel bad. I also did some math :


In one FOUR LOKO there is the same alcohol content as 7 shots of whiskey. How the fuck is this shit legal?



Here's how you convert alcohol content to LOKOs (ONE LOKO = 1/4 of a FOUR LOKO) -


(%ABV)(oz)/.705 = LOKO


So one shot of whiskey is - (.4)(1)/.705 = .56 LOKO


A beer is - (.05)(12)/.705 = .85 LOKO.


This took a really really long time to figure out while drinking FOUR LOKO.

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Racist??? Not quite right... Every product is marketed towards a core group for some its a couple core groups... For example in Forbes Magazine You might find ads for Rolex or Porsche are you impling that there racist against white people being that, that they are the main readers of Forbes Magazine... Where as you'll find ads for Rims in King Magazine not because the rim manufactures are racist but because they are targeting a certian group... So for an alcholic beverage to be aimed at a certian group is no different I mean Guiness is aimed at white people cause I know niggas I know drink that shit and I mean it is Irish and you wont see a commercial for it on BET... My point is its bussiness when you come out with a product you have to establish a target demagraphic so to say its racist no its not, racist would be if Four Loko said "If you aint a nigga dont drink this shit" better yet if they said "No niggas are aloud to drink this".Get what Im sayin anyway just thought Id add...

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i don't know how many of you are familiar with this abomination of a drink, but they are making very little effort to conceal which part of the community they're trying to sell this junk to




let's take a closer look at this


1. the name of the drink is misspelt, using the obvious hip hop reference of a K in place of a C


2. the can features a camouflage print


3 . it comes in 4 flavours: grape, orange, watermelon, and fruit punch, stereotypical faves of the black folks.


i'm white and even i'm offended at how they're using obvious stereotypes to kick an already battered community while it's down. i'm surprised they're not pairing it with a fried chicken and waffles promotion, and getting celebrity endorsements from ignorant southern rappers. can i get a c'mon son?


i think u trippin homeboy. im hispanic.. and i aint offended by the drink . its FOR LOCOS . . for crazy modafuckas . . and it gets you banged up . . I drank it and gotten banged up off it. and in is no way stereotyped.. and plus. you are white. so why would the grape and watermelon and the spanish word on there offend you ?? .. you kinda bein rasist there . . or at least thats how i see it. . . you should go to the store right now and buy you one in fact .... CMON SONNN !!

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i would drink "nigga drink," for the record.



you could start a million threads about racist marketing, but i guarantee it won't change anything. especially with comestibles... people like what they like; your goal in advertising is to make them try it in the first place.

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After reading through this thread again - SwampFight never actually drank the stuff after talking all that jazz.


I'm saying I'm a 240 pound bar tender that drinks pretty heavily every day of his life, and although I've had a few beers before even touching one of these things - they pack a mean punch.


Two of these things equals about 15 shots of whiskey straight up. Plus the 'LOKO' factor. I'll be willing to bet that SwampFight is piss fucking drunk after drinking 3 of these things. Like in a dark dark realm.

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After reading through this thread again - SwampFight never actually drank the stuff after talking all that jazz.


I'm saying I'm a 240 pound bar tender that drinks pretty heavily every day of his life, and although I've had a few beers before even touching one of these things - they pack a mean punch.


Two of these things equals about 15 shots of whiskey straight up. Plus the 'LOKO' factor. I'll be willing to bet that SwampFight is piss fucking drunk after drinking 3 of these things. Like in a dark dark realm.


I'm no math genius, but I saw your calculations earlier and there's no possible way these things are equivalent to the amount of hard liquor you seem to think.


In all fairness, I never did try them, so I'll try and do that ASAP. I drink heavily every day, but I'm a bar fly and haven't even been in a liquor store in months, so I never checked and still am not even sure if we have these around here?


I'll check and get back to you from the view point of a 260 lb man who drinks quite a bit. I'm betting I'll feel nice after three, but last time liquor put me in a dark realm was after a liter or so of vodka

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Four loko is 12% alcohol in a 24oz can and 2 cans would equal 48oz of 12% alcohol


if we reduce that its 24oz of 24% alcohol


and if we reduce that its 12oz of 48% alcohol


Since i take it 1oz is 1 shot and most whiskeys are 80 proof or 40% alcohol 15 shots is not that far off

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