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So... my roommate just called. He's got the swine flu

Gnarly Sheen

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Yeah, no joke either. He just called and dropped that shit on me. I thought he was joking, but was mad serious. I'm a healthy dude and have had the seasonal flu shot, but I'm pretty skeptical on staying at my house for a while. Think i might stay with the girl for a few days.


Anyone know of anyone close that's had this shit. I'm pretty sure that it's just been blown the fuck out of proportion but i got asthma and shit, so that could turn bad.


Yeah, i'm probably getting the fuck outa here for a while haha.




Currently rocking a particle respirator

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Congratulations, you probably have swine flu as well.


Man, I could... I'm not really sure. I'm not showing any symptoms except I had a cough yesterday, but today i'm cool.


Who knows, time will tell.


Kick your roommate out.


No shit, that's what i said. He needs to get the fuck out for a while, but his mother is battling breast cancer so he can't expose her to that.

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most of my friends have had it. 3-4 days of really bad fever and then its done. Ive never seen an illness get so ridiculously blown out of proportion by the media.


Didnt they say like 2 years ago that bird flu was ganna be the second plague?

The media feeds off of this shit

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Swine Flu is just a bullshit scare tactic for the news to keep ratings up.


The regular flu kills a hundred thousand people or more annualy. So far we have something like five thousand dead from the Swine flu strain. Almost all elderly or very young and with pre-existing conditions.


Doctors have been noticing that most people with h1n1 (swine flu) don't have fever symptoms either. So for all of you tripping on this whole situation, keep that in mind.


It's really not that big of a fucking deal anyways. I guess some people just need something to worry about eh.

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