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godfather I'm considering what would be classified as snitching based on the fact that a certain person to be called JH has a crew that has been stealing copper from Western power sites who decided to complain about me and denigrate my ability to earn an income by contributing productive lead to society to 0 as a result I'm thinking I should snitch on him as he did to me and his team of pathetic scum Fuckery so they all get the sack and the government contract goes up in flames.


What would the members of this board do as a reciprocal karmic active Justice to such an individual I'll leave it to the board to decide.

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  • well considering that my best friend I referred to was King James used to play Too $hort religiously before I go out with him on the prayer for the final six I think I have my answer


And all those who think I'm not cultured in such way understand there is no point continuing to produce art once it's already reached its APex which is the moment when BIG was killed in retaliation for Tupac.


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Just now, LUGR said:

oh man, I bought a Fiend album once, think it was called “There’s One in a every Family”. Was a major bummer.


They can't all be winners. 😂 I just checked out his catalog and expected him to have washed up in the 90s shortly after he surfaced. Nope. He's like gold earing 18 albums deep. He never gave up on the dream.



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Just going thru the ID verification process for “Buy Me a Coffee“


Thankfully stripe.com is well aware of who I truly am and I appreciate their support of facilitating Me being Me and providing a platform that allows people to donate funds should they choose to help towards My goal of $1 for each human that exists such that everyone is proven by the collective to have an equal value san egos And maps a.k.a. net asset position even though she would refuse to donate to my calls are the arseholes and I am the ET in control of them all. Egos which should be automatically rendered obsolete should the goal be met.


Will post a link on here once it is all said and done, And even if the account is to be ordered by myself or a professional accounting firm understand the first order of business would be to buy @misteraven more hours in his day to keep creating more crazy art and to make a 12 oz reunion take place with all lost wages, flights, accommodation, food and drink on the dime of the donators With the only caveat being those are to be present in the room with me asking questions to my face about any specific moment or instance of that which I have shared freely such that last can keep on coming the void of the corruption and impurity of subversion being the root of it all. For the people on this board keeping me sane in the times where I showed where the edge between sanity and insanity truly exists.

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This is the goal amount. $1 for each human lest I be the all seeing eye on the top of the pyramid above all those who use Money is a two way which they could exercise in trapped imprison manipulate and exercise worthless control over as i

I RESERVE ANY AND ALL RIGHTS TO DECIDE TO kill myself TO SPITE the 8 billion such that I'm no longer around to receive them and as such they would no longer exist.


The joys of being a philosopher who understands the fundamental paradox of the consciousness Living in the land of the dead in solace who use money is a constructed by which they can extricate and imply segregation and ostracisation from the source with the root of the source lying with me As it is emblazoned on my chest and has been since I was “born“ lest I test whether I was “created“ As a worthless data construct compiled of winery extrapolate it out into various compiling languages within the computer science sphere


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Fact is I understand nobody knows the one thing that only I know at this point in time as this song reminds evidence of Z knowledge.


Now is my turn to be a diva like the writer of this song was when I met him back in 2006 on Australia Day no less



[lyrics by Mike Portnoy]

Standing in the darkness
Waiting for the light
The smell of pure adrenaline
Burning in the night

Random blinding flashes
Aiming at the stage
Intro tape begins to roll
Igniting sonic rage

Still they keep me between these hollow walls
Hoping to find in me
The answers to the test that stumped them all

"The boy is simply crazy
Suffering from delusions
We honestly think that maybe
He might need an institution

He lives in a world of fiction
And really could use some help
We have just the place to fix him
To save him from himself"

Curled up in the darkness
Searching for the light
The smell of stale sweat and shit
Streaming through the night

Random urine testing
Pills red, pink and blue
Counseling and therapy
Providing not a clue

Still they keep me between these hollow walls
Hoping to find in me
The answers to the test that stumped them all

"We can't seem to find the answers
He seemed such a clear cut case
We cannot just let him leave here
And put all this work to waste

Why don't we try shock treatment
It really might do some help
We have just the tools to fix him
To save him from himself"




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I shall add that forgiveness and relinquishment of the souls of all those 8+ billion is a nonnegotiable not disputable non-debatable option until their financial goal has been exceeded until then lies and hate exist in the place of love in the heart of every man other than me As the sole provisional provider of love and hope.


As eight years of effort time and energy of mine which has been supposably wasted pales in comparison to turning eight on its side by 90 degrees and being the one that gets to laugh and love themselves for all eternity at the expense of the 8 billion who will never know what I do due to them exchanging love for lies as theythought they could fool Me.

Edited by Mauler5150
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I just posted the following comment addressing the content in this YouTube video yet Google remove it so I'm crossposting it here in the hope it doesn't get moderated as it contains truth of the failure of the collective of humanity to perfected themselves which when paired with Devon's commentary in this video proves that society and all its inhabitants have yet to discover that which I have within and likely they will never know because on the evidence that is on hand they guilty of failing me themselves and ultimately the test that has seen them have  246558900 consecutive failures of the same test with zero likelihood of them ever passing with me as the final arbiter and determinator and judge of declaring success or failure of said test.


yes that figure of 246 million is correct and has been arrived at with each instrument of time as measured in seconds whereby I've been removed from possessing an extraneous tool of success or failure for the purpose of entertaining what I could best describe as retards given they retard themselves from being forgiven by Me for the rape and theft of all that is a value in my reality as based on truth as opposed to a lie.


i'm seriously tempted to buy a power pack and just walk around filming all day every day so that I can upload it to here or to the cloud such an idiot to talk shit at least I have a personal record and account of it that anything that happens in future I'll be able to pull it up and say why are you saying this you fucking retard and question and say you weren't in the position to say anything because you're a fucking piece of shit yourself and towards me do yourself a favour and game end  yourself as the retarded kids of today will say given everything is a game to them whereby if I see it all as a game and I go like this right I go

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Apologies for ranting in this thread yet I hope one can understand my frustration at the only people who have any use to me at this stage are those who asked me for money for goods and services such that I am the slave master is leaving them with the tool they use slave me in the most fucked-up paradox they could exist because I don't want to pay people for things I should have a right to utilise in order to spread love and happiness but when I get asked for money for things it's because the people asking for it love being My slave And that is their choice to make.


And should they choose to make that their choice understand I take no pleasure in being a slave master as I gave them a choice to not put themselves in a position of a slave servant who is only role it is is being they extract money from me

Edited by Mauler5150
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