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man oh man..


walked into a busy ass day at work, considering ive been MIA the past two days due to that funeral. ive had 2 friends pass before this, but it didnt seem as real as this funeral. seeing half of my graffiti community all in one room, sulking over a lost soldier was an amazing sight. kind of uplifting. i know they would do the same for me.


im kind of over this situation with moms, i WILL be moving on. with or without. i got my family by my side, and they know who they are. im a prime example of why blood doesnt mean your family. i give thanks to those who stand by my side unconditionaly. yall are the best.


today is a new day, and im gonna get out and take advantage of it. i went to my tattoo shop yesterday to shoot the shit with the homies after the funeral, get some things off my mind. and when i walked in the first thing i hear is "just the man i wanted to see" ...they asked me to start on a lil comission job this week, and im going back today to oreder the paint. pretty hyped on it.


yall have a great day, dont let anything hold you back from it.

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the first thing i hear is "just the man i wanted to see" ...they asked me to start on a lil comission job this week, and im going back today to oreder the paint. pretty hyped on it.


One of the best feelings! That's tight man ... congrats.


I just got an exam back and did pretty well, so much that if I keep that grade up I'll pass the class - I was real worried about failing and having to retake it.


I only got 2 hours of sleep though and I have a big homework assignment due in 2 hours. So stresstime isn't over yet - but it's 70/sunny outside so it will be soon.


Maybe bench later.

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the list:

1. eating hashbrowns

2.waiting for my boy whos making the 6 hour trip to visit

3. hungover, hoping the hashbrowns help

4.waiting for the police that the landlord sent to get a statement about the cool kids who glued my lock shut

5.way too hungover for the amount i drank


edit: it was officer juan, everyone loves juan!

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