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16 Yr old Beat To Death


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Apparently I'm the only one who doesn't see that this kid had "nothing to do with it"


To me, this just looks like a giant street fight that involved weapons, and one kid happened to die...what am I missing here?



I just watched that video and if the kid that died as the one that gets pegged with a 2x4 in the back of the head then i dont see how he was just minding his own business


You see him walking straight into a group of people fighting, not by accident, on purpose


I dont know about yall but if theres a streetfight that i dont have any beef in im not gonna walk in the middle of that


If i wanna watch im gonna keep my distance

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Guest Ginger Bread Man

i played with SSGG on xbox live a few times


dude does not sound how he comes on here acting. he is straight all quiet and timid/shy-like.

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That sucks, I know a lot of you hated dude but he was pretty much acting like most 16yo would on here.

He had a couple good posts in your day in pics and seemed alright even behind the 12 oz e persona.

I feel bad if dude really did get hemmed on a murder charge for a street fight gone very wrong.

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i mean, is that what happened? a riot going on and some guy tries to walk through it?

Kid is involved in a street fight. Gets killed and because he's an honor student they assume he had no involvement. I'm pretty sure thats what happened.


Its a shame that he died over what was probably some stupid scuffle, but i don't think he was some innocent bystander by any means. I could be wrong though.

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I pictured myself being beaten to death in the middle of a crowded street, surrounded by my peers. I thought about the feeling in the pit of my stomach, as I am brutally assaulted by people who have not a care in the world. I thought about how it felt to know you were going to die that moment, forever snuffed out by idiotic savages.


That isn't a good feeling and a terrible way to go out. RIP to the youngbull.

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naw son.. dude would be to pussy to do shit in real life..just act like he would on the internet...




nigga i bet a stack i could prolly beat you to death by myself.




oh and did i mention niggas are terrified of my in my hood?



oh and did i mention my hood is gagepark/west englewood? the roughest toughest place on the whole muhfuckin planet where niggas get it CRACKIN?!?



suck my big long dick suburbs guy

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i played with SSGG on xbox live a few times


dude does not sound how he comes on here acting. he is straight all quiet and timid/shy-like.


i be focused as fuck when i play xbox....but in real life im loud obnoxious and just a plain ignorant asshole


yall really thought i got beat up? its says that nigga is a honoroll student..i aint on no honoroll nigga:lol:



maybe if i went to fenger like dude...


now that i think about it...dude went to fenger..shit like this goes down all the time up there..


people are acting like this shit happen at whitney young or some shit

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we get fights like this everyday where i live.fools cant scrap one on one so they get all their friends and get weapons and shit.god i hate gangs..word is some of the cats who did it were caught today.3 of them atleast.but shit like this pisses me off.RIP to him and ill pray for his family.

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