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I'm going to cut my legs off.


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so I dont get dragged to any more shitty shows.



as some of you may remember, i made a thread a while back bitching about how the local music scene has gone to shit.



well, i went to a concert at that same venue last night. they said it was a punk show (they being everyone i knew that was going, so about 10 people). i had heard of the main band (pop evil)that night and i knew they werent punk but i didnt know the others so i figured they would be as ive seen some crazy mixmatched lineups at that place.




lemme start things off by saying until pop evil came on, it was basically a miley cyrus/jonas brothers type concert. the music was gay as fuck, one band did "i kissed a girl" by katy perry, another band did a lil wayne song.


the only good thing about that is im underage, and there were alot of stupid ditsy underage girls there ;)


but anyways, the only good thing about the first 3 bands was when a drunken parent imbetween bands yelled "this shit aint metal!" and commenced to throw a empty miller highlife at some fag on stage.

and also a couple of teenage girls who had too much soda tried to climb up on a stack of speakers and commenced to falling on the sound booth and knocking out the main mike.


and then after Framing hanley (whose lead singer whenever he walked across the stage while setting up procured a wave of screams and squeals and shaking hands in the air) played it was Pop Evils turn. luckily, Framing Hanley went to the back lounge with sharpies and decided to try and score some jailbait ass and was drawing all over their fans' "Pirates dreams" (sunken chest, get it???) so all the teenyboppers were in the back lounge leaving the drunken fathers and the small amount of jarheads to watch pop evil. pop evil was pretty fucking badass, did a cover of Walk by Pantera and actually managed to get the crowd to sing along perfectly to one of their songs, which all 3 of the other bands attempted that night and miserably failed at.


but the night wasnt a total loss, got some jailbait tail (100 percent legal in my case), snagged a shirt and subway samwhich off the guy who was bringing it up to the band, got to tour Pop Evils tour bus (it smelled like straight ass) and ran into a few of the "teenyboppers" the next day which was pretty funny as they all remembered me.



while the night wasnt a complete loss, it was still gay as fuck and the music scene in town is allll shot to hell.

and im giving the wilmywood scene one last chance. ASG/Weedeater/MonkeyKnifeFight the 3rd, if its anything like the other weedeater or ASG shows this will be awesome. its their first time playing together too.



oh, and this what basically what i looked like (no homo)



minus the jacket ofcourse

and the rest of the crowd was basically the typical jailbait meme.

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Your problem is you know shitty bands.





Never trust friends with shitty taste when they tell you about a show that you haven't heard of.


Plus, the fact that one of the bands was called "pop evil" and that they had a tour bus should've been a surefire sign that it was going to blow. Complain about your scene all you want, but chances are if you're in a decent sized town, or near one, there is an OK scene, or at least a better one, that you're completely oblivious to.

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im not, im in a town smaller then 100k and thats only duyring tourist season.


and pop evil was actually the best band there... their name had nothing to do with their music, but it is misleading il admit. if i hadnt been hearing them on the local metal station all the time i wouldnt have gone.

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Your thread title captivated me but your story failed me.


Disapointments aside. Unless I'm backstage or at the very least on guestlist I rarely hit vancouver shows anymore.


I'm quick to wave the flag but this cities scene in anything I care about has gotten younger and younger and more and more diluted.


Fuck scensters and culture rapists.

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Your thread title captivated me but your story failed me.


Disapointments aside. Unless I'm backstage or at the very least on guestlist I rarely hit vancouver shows anymore.


I'm quick to wave the flag but this cities scene in anything I care about has gotten younger and younger and more and more diluted.


Fuck scensters and culture rapists.


Jesus Christ go outside you boring Canuck. This is like your 4th account of the fucking DAY.

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no, what im angry about is the scene used to be awesome and it used to be grimey as fuck. you used to have to worry about breaking something when going to a show, now you have to worry about how many 13 year old girls are going to apologize for stepping on your shoe.


if you dont care, dont pull a cityonsmash and post in a thread you supposedly "dont give a fuck about"

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check it out. If you cut your legs off your chances of getting dragged to a show increase exponentially. Keep your legs..... you will stand a better chance or escape .

Is that Swayze on th end? RIP Shit. Is that EON 3 from the left? With his shirt on too? next to flannel shortpants

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!st and foremost I'm propping Earl after this post for the Stryper pic, To Hell With The Devil buddy!!! lol


Now to this thread- you listen to lame shitty music from what I can tell, I'm glad someone threw a Miller, although in today's pop-punk mainstream world I wouldn't have been surprised if it was some TPWF throwing a Pabst.


If you are going to cut off your legs, may I suggest throwing yourself beneath a train?

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