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Loners unite! ...Or don't. Because then we wouldn't be loners.


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Then again I think it's good to realize that people aren't a big collective consensus thinking you suck. I mean if you ask anyone or talk about this, they'll refer to "everyone" and "normal" as a proof of your worthlessness ... but they do so just to forget the whole issue. Most people are just mindless drones who talk out of their asses. They denounce you just because they have to react somehow, but don't want to think.


You'd be wrong if you thought people actually spend time to think about your place in society. In that sense, it's not wise in the long run to keep telling yourself over and over how people suck. That's a waste of time IMO

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I think about this subject ALOT and I mean alot.

It's weird how one day spending almost all of my free time socially is great

and the next I'm some kind of antisocial asshole.

With age I've definetly gotten more callous maybe that has something to do with it.


Maybe I just need to suck it up and manage a healthy social life AND a healthy private life lol

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maybe the issue lies with you then?

maybe less smokin' mmmmkay?


less smoking???are you crazy.hahah.no its just its hard to find good people anymore.at least for me.everyone here is so triflin its sad.when stuff like that keeps happening again and again and again you start saying to yourself fuck everybody.so i stick to myself becuase i dont trust anybody anymore...

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I had a very similar conversation with Harvey Wallbanger about this. I've hit many forks in the road in my 20s.


I've gone in deep schizoid/anti-social mode and a lot of people have been weeded out from my life during this process (and I know a lot of motherfuckers).


I think of it as social cleansing. Quality over quantity any day.

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I've been on the lonesome kick recently, if I'm painting murals I'm around so many people that after work I like to go to happy hour, get drunk and read the newspaper/do the nytimes crossword..


When I'm unemployed I ride my bike to the trader joes dumpster at 7 am grip all the flower bouquets and hand them out to women on the street til they are gone then go to the museum and talk art with more pretty women... I guess I like to be around people a lot but I find most individuals not interesting and worth my time. I also think I have too many friends which is a complaint most people I know say I should get over, but I get so many invites to do shit I have no interest in doing it irritates me... Right now I'm sitting alone with a newspaper cursing my wicked sunburn from painting outside all day watching sports and having free liquer drinks at a bar my friend manages, not too bad I'm glad I'm here alone, its awesome

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always been a loner

Born alone die alone.


and I am social/friendly, its the big conundrum in my life/personality

I was thinking about how lately whenever I go out I see someone I know and how I miss the days when I didn't know anyone. I'd just go out and come home and find solace in that.

Oh well

My life goal is to move to the desert in an airstream trailer and live away from society, by the time and if I make it to 30

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I know what you mean. I like being around my circle of friends, many that I've known since elementary, but at the same time there are days they ask me to go out with them to some party or something, and I'll just be like "nah" and would rather sit home reading or listening to music.


Sometimes relaxing by yourself is just easier to me. Sometimes friends can be demanding, without actually saying/asking for anything. They "demand" that you entertain them. That you always gotta make them laugh and shit. Sometimes you don't feel like doing that. Even at a house party, I'll be inside shooting shit with people, and then go out on the balcony or something and gather my thoughts, and I enjoy it. Can't always be in the ratrace. I think most people go through phases like this.


This pretty much says everything I wanted to say. I however would have said it in a much more confusing way.. Props Theo

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I think being able to be alone and be content with that is a sign of strength, I notice some people are actually afraid of being by themselves for even a short period of time... I've witnessed this on several occasions.


I remember when I was about 20, at work this dude told me to stop at Popeye's to get him some chicken, and handed me the money. So I did. He was about 5 years older than me, and had more clout/rank at where we worked. So I get him the chicken and I head to the lounge to watch some television. I hear this dude screaming my name like he was in trouble. I rush up there and I see him eating alone, and I'm like "what?" And he's like, "hey man.. where'd you go? Keep me company."


That sounded like some unmanly shit to say. And I was shocked because I generally had respect for the dude. But he was literally afraid of eating alone.


Another time I witnessed something similar was when I was about 14, and my dad's friend was at the house visiting. He goes in to the bedroom and starts playing Asteroids with my dad on the arcade stand. My dad finally leaves and heads to the living room and plays on the piano. This dude came running out with a panicked look on his face, asking "where'd you go?!"


But yeah if you notice you'll see people like this that are afraid or insecure of being by themselves, or being seen being by themselves.

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Speakin on that I was at Best Buy just the other day with two of my friends. My one friend was deciding between some new earphones he needed and by glow of awesome plasma, big screen tv's me and my other friend ventured off to check those out.


We ended up sitting in those comfy ass chairs they got set up in the little mini home theater set up, just watchin tv and my friend that got left behind pops around the corner lookin all scared like a lost puppy. Ha we just look at him surprised like "Dude, you ok?" He's just like "Yeah I just didn't know where you guys went.."


Sad thing when a college kid is lookin for his friends, like a 5 year old lost in Wal Mart.

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