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they'll represent you in trial and everything for free?



most people don't have those kind of connects


if you truly do, then you should do your fellow oontzers a favor and put us up on game. since this is the life coach thread and all















this was from like 15 pages back too...

I recommend pre-paid legal services (about $25 a month to keep my ass out of trouble).
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One handles minor shit such as unemployment hearings, drafting documents, etc etc completely for free. I bought him lunch last time, cuz I'm a nice guy.


Another will dispense criminal advice and talk to me for hours on end about whatever I need help with for free, no charge.


When I actually catch a charge he'll show up and represent me without any cash down, and then let me pay him back whenever I can basically, because he knows I'm good for it. I doubt many people on here are catching cases often enough that it works out cheaper for them to shell out $25 a month inbetween charges.


The third is my personal injury guy, I obviously don't pay him shit until I get payed and he just takes his percentage

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Seriously :lol:


On the toilet paper topic, I only buy Charmin Ultra Soft. If the store doesn't have it, I'll go to another one...cheap toilet paper is one of my worst possibly pet peeves.


I've said it on here before I'm sure, but I'll say it again...my tip is to spend money on things that matter, like good toilet paper

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This seems to go against the general theme of this thread. I mean, cats are on here talking about stealing toilet paper from work to save a few bucks.

meh, why not

an unlocked cabinet is basically an invitation

the whole world is out there for grabs...


but dun worry about my funds

i rock shitstreaks on only the softest of toilet papers

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they'll represent you in trial and everything for free?



most people don't have those kind of connects


if you truly do, then you should do your fellow oontzers a favor and put us up on game. since this is the life coach thread and all



this was from like 15 pages back too...



i sold health insurance until recently. on average, a normal person goes to the hospital ONCE every 7 years for something bad (broken bones, stitches, dog bites, bee stings, etc)


the guy who created pre paid legal knew this. he was an insurance agent and sold all lines of insurance through his brokerage. he also knew that he had run ins with the law more frequently than his ER room visits.


he actually got into a bad car accident once, and killed some people. they slapped him with Involuntary Manslaughter charges. dude had to pay ass loads of court fees and lawyer fees, spent some time in jail.


after all was said and done he asks himself, "If i have car insurance, health insurance, home owners insurance, life insurance, dental and vision insurance, supplemental insurance.... WHY THE HELL ISN'T THERE A LEGAL INSURANCE??"


so pre paid legal was born. the benefits are pretty good if you're a shady individual like myself, and for normal people too:


- got a speeding ticket? send it to them. they'll get it dropped. main reason i got this service. i usually get $500 in tickets yearly for different shit. now i spend $300 yearly ($26 a month) and don't worry about haters.


- starting a business? get the lawyers to review and explain in lamens terms wtf you're reading


- hassled by a debt collector? tell the lawyer to write them a letter demanding written proof that I owed them money (most shit will get dropped from your credit report because original documentation has been lost when the account switched debt collectors)


- landlord problems? this helped me recently. the cunts.


- child support? you'll need this if you got little chud lookin kids and a pissed off baby mama.


- treated unfairly or taken advantage of? pretty general, but it gives you the power to say "BITCH I'LL SUE YOU!" and mean it... good for emotional bitches in parking lots at walmart.


- getting sued? yes, they help there too.


- IRS fucking you over in an audit? these guys will help.


- will preparation comes with the service for both husband and wife ($500 value if you've ever looked into creating a living will)


- trial defense benefits - including pre-trial time. 60 hours trial time per year for the first year, 120 second yr, 240 third yr, etc.





This does not cover defense claims relating to drugs, alcohol, substance abuse, chemical abuse, dependency, or the use of any other medicines.




So take what you want from it. For $26 a month I feel like I stand a better chance of NOT going to federal pound you in the butt prison.







OH and this wasn't a sales pitch. Getcho life right nig nogs. This is cheaper than having a lawyer on retainer.

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One handles minor shit such as unemployment hearings, drafting documents, etc etc completely for free. I bought him lunch last time, cuz I'm a nice guy.


Another will dispense criminal advice and talk to me for hours on end about whatever I need help with for free, no charge.


When I actually catch a charge he'll show up and represent me without any cash down, and then let me pay him back whenever I can basically, because he knows I'm good for it. I doubt many people on here are catching cases often enough that it works out cheaper for them to shell out $25 a month inbetween charges.


The third is my personal injury guy, I obviously don't pay him shit until I get payed and he just takes his percentage


nothing in life is free son. unless this cat is doing a ton of pro bono work, i doubt he'll want to talk to you forever about some bullshit. but there are some that will. "free consulatation" usually means he'll talk to you for five minutes, realize what he's workin with, then tell you a price to keep talking to him and let him fix the problem.


rhode island aint texas though, so you might be onto something.

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nothing in life is free son. unless this cat is doing a ton of pro bono work, i doubt he'll want to talk to you forever about some bullshit. but there are some that will. "free consulatation" usually means he'll talk to you for five minutes, realize what he's workin with, then tell you a price to keep talking to him and let him fix the problem.


rhode island aint texas though, so you might be onto something.


I'm not talking about it like it's something they would do for me, it's something they HAVE done for me, multiple times

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