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Sons of Anarchy

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or maybe you just started noticing it cause the show started.

kinda like when you get a new car and you notice all the other people that also drive that car.


Nah, it's a lot more prevalent all of a sudden.

At least where I'm at.

I see more non club affiliated dudes riding Harleys and trying to rock that look then I see actual real bikers these days.

Before when I'd see bikers it was almost guaranteed that they were repping one club or another, and it really wasn't that often that you'd see them out riding around.

Now it seems like I can't drive a mile without seeing at least one dude on a Harley.

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Seriously why the fuck did they kill off Piney instead of Eyebrow ceilings? He was like the old sage of the crew...with the loveable old school swag. How many more episodes do we have to watch Clay butcher what the club is supposed to be all about? Kurt Sutter should of really thrown us a curveball and had Piney all stealthily grab the shotty and blow hellboy's brains all over the walls.



/yesimad at episode 8

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Seriously why the fuck did they kill off Piney instead of Eyebrow ceilings? He was like the old sage of the crew...with the loveable old school swag. How many more episodes do we have to watch Clay butcher what the club is supposed to be all about? Kurt Sutter should of really thrown us a curveball and had Piney all stealthily grab the shotty and blow hellboy's brains all over the walls.



/yesimad at episode 8


cause everyone wants to see Clay get killed, once he gets killed everyones gonna be like, "FINALLY! now i dont have to watch this bullshit to see if this conflict will ever get resolved." killing Piney is making everyone tune in next week to see what comes from it. which will probably be nothing until like 3-5 more episodes.


i agree Piney should have just blasted that idiot when he realized he was rolling in the tow truck wearing his gloves, but theres a lot of things that should've happened that dont for the sake of keeping the show going. i was umad too, yelling HORRIBLE CUNT! at my tv and shit..

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it's funny how you comment about my family but have nothing to

say about the fact you know not a fucking thing about clubs that

a page ago you seemed to know so much about


fucking clown shoes


Wait a minute... you're the fucking idiot who said "1%ers don't allow black members in their club".


I'm the one who responded with a pic of the club house of a black MC that clearly says 1%ers on it.


You're the one rockin the clown shoes buddy.

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do you even know anything about MC's? from your responses it seems your only knowledge is

from what you have seen on tv. true 3 patch 1%er clubs do not allow black members, period.

now they do sometimes associate with black clubs but they are not looked upon as true 1%er

clubs and usually end up supporting the local dominating club. as far as chibs having a black

lady/kid, they could care less cause she isn't a member



i've personally seen a full patch black 81.


welcome too canada, where we don't give a fuck what you look like, its how you hold yourself.

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Clay sucks, if he died last year i would still watch the show. i was thinking how cool it would be to have Unser or Piney kill clay. so now im thinking Unser or Gemma. basically anyone but jax which is probably how its gonna go. everyone gonna know it was clay so im thinking gemma and unser gonna try to cover it up. fuck

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in the tortilla truck there were three headless mayans and a headless sons with a 'president' patch. wtf?!

why wasn't this explained/discussed/an issue?


please stop replying to DAO. its like arguing with a dog, it just makes you look foolish for wasting your time.


i actually thought this was a good episode. i liked that there was a lot more character interaction and less gratuitous action.

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those drug cartel dudes don't really fuck around. I'm glad they're not mad at me.


sons have their prospects doing a whole lot more dirt than seems safe. they might want to scale that back before one of them turns informant. if the cops can get to juice, phil would probably do it for a box of crispy creams. also, why have none of them ever ridden a motorcycle at any point on the show. do they even own bikes? can phil fit on a bike?

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Once again seeking, I completely agree and have been wondering the same thing about the prospects. They dont let them sit at the table when decisions are being made...yet fill them in on almost all of the club's agenda anyway.

I mean you would think since the prospects are technically not members yet, and have to prove their loyalty and trust, the club wouldnt just divulge alot of the incriminating info to them the way they do. Especially since they would be the first to fold under pressure if pressed for intel/testimony. (like you said)

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right, i get all that, but look at the sons, then look at those dudes. they're just goofy misfits. can you tell me you could see phil sitting at that table having a vote? fuck no. he'd never get patched in in a million years. dudes a straight up dork. they could have at least cast dudes who looked like outlaw bikers, not movie theater ushers. there is no way those dudes wouldn't have bolted the second that bag of heads showed up. eff that.


why was happy sitting in on that vote? he's nomad, he's not charming. he has no vote there.

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plineys old bike for sale real cheap craiglist thread




has happy ever had a full sentence on the show? they need to give him more parts.


my friend leto still owes me $400 from 7 years ago. when i think about it i get pissed. tig murdered opies wife a year and a half ago and he seems to have completely forgotten. thats weird.

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has happy ever had a full sentence on the show? they need to give him more parts.


my friend leto still owes me $400 from 7 years ago. when i think about it i get pissed. tig murdered opies wife a year and a half ago and he seems to have completely forgotten. thats weird.


Shit, I'd forgotten that was him. Is there gonna be any comeback from all of that?


Also I was thinking, they aren't really gonna believe the cartel killed Piney are they? They just got delivered a bag of heads but they'd just shoot the old man and leave him in his cabin like that?

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