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because most people come to sf on vacation and see the surface for a week, visit the hipster areas because they are hipster faggots too and think that's what sf is all about. you're from sf, you know what it's really all about. don't let the hipsters and the faggots who worry about that scene know about our secrets. :D




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im from the city and have lived here nearly 90% of my life. i must say though that everytime i go/live anywhere else i get bored very quickly (with the exception of NY, miami, and chicago). but even LA grows old very fast to me. especially after i lived there for over a year. i guess part of me likes random people screaming on the bus, endless divebars, crackheads scaring the tourists, and even all the random fucks i meet everyday that have just moved here from god knows where. there's always suprises here. my 2 cents.


I lived in LA for ten years. I can't lie, it's part of who I am. I wouldn't say I love the place but there's things I appreciate about it and that I enjoy when I visit. I could even see living there again someday for a spell.


Triple, did you ever meet the MUNI rapper in your travels? He was usually on the 24 or the 90 Owl late night and would ride all night doing acapellas...this was around 93-95 or so. I think he was from Sunnydale or Geneva.

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damn that does sound familiar.


my favorite two muni memories are the 14 mission late night driver that would call out every stop and


would let you ride for free if you came at him correct. (old black dood)


and 30 seconds- if you know about this then you know


if not ask and i will tell the story as i know it

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Im in central florida but Im from south florida. I could be in west palm/ft.lauderdale/miami in 15-20 minutes from where I used to live. Of course its "home" but I still cant see myself living there forever. I cant stay somewhere too long or I start to go crazy. Crackheads on buses, and crazy homeless people can only hold my attention for so long.

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Guest 50million
damn that does sound familiar.


my favorite two muni memories are the 14 mission late night driver that would call out every stop and


would let you ride for free if you came at him correct. (old black dood)


and 30 seconds- if you know about this then you know


if not ask and i will tell the story as i know it





i was riding the 14 to work one day...probably like 2 in the afternoon....i watched some dude get his head kicked in on the back of the bus. i was on the phone with my mom and shes like "whats that?" i just said i was riding the 14....

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