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:lol: at the size comparison. how was the flavor of the big one? i hear they lose a lot when they get that big.


i quit watering my yellow squash plant like a month ago cause they all just kept rotting away, today i glanced over at it (on the other side of the yard from everything else) and saw the one i just harvested wtf? i thought the plant would have been dead by now. theres a bunch more mini ones growing also, maybe i was watering them to much :confused:

sounds like it...also when you water squash, pumpkins, zucchini etc. try to directly water the roots if you get water on the leaves during the day in sunlight it may cause the leaves to burn or rot.

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i made a soup last week out of potatoes, button squash, carrots and beets from the garden. used the last of the lettuce for a salad with about 50 of those gold nugget cherry tomatoes and some snow peas that i defrosted....time to start cleaning out the garden for the winter crop and waiting for the harvest of 5 different kinds of squash, beets, carrots, kale, mustard greens, hops, cucumbers....oh boy is that gonna be a feast or what....

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tangerine tomatoe







borage. this is an herb that can be used for period cramps, hot flashes, and is the only edible blue flower. I use it to attract bees and supposedly it makes tomatoes sweeter.














desert bird of paradise

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I just bought some cages for my tomato plants, theyre still small and havent produced anything but just being prepared. My yellow pepper plant just gave up, dont know what happened it just died on me. My orange pepper is struggling but my red pepper has 2 new friends growing on it and Im stoked for these are my first ever!!! check em.


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yeah i'm getting pesto'ed out


i have some every week which i shouldn't complain since i start to miss it in the winter.

i may need to invest in a plant light.


i've never froze it before though. i presume that you only chop the basil, olive oil, garlic and pine nuts before freezing it?


add the cheese later?

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Started growing in pots about a month or so ago.

We moved into our house and they have a Lilly that's in bad shape that I want to save.

A shitload of mint. I want to get that under control possibly just start over fresh.

I'm hoping to get a nice little herb garden going along side diff mint varieties.

I kinda wanna grow a passion vine from a hanging pot. Since putting it in the ground iwould most likely run rampant. But it attracts carpenter bees since they are the only ones that are big enough to pollinate and my wife will bitch about them

Problem is my little plot gets very little light cause of second story and trees.

Thinking about maybe trying indoor gardening.

Anyone use MH or HPS lighting?

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  • 2 months later...

Bump this thread.


A couple weeks ago I went on a tour at O'o farm and sold myself on growing all my own produce from here out. In ten years I hope to own enough land to be completely self-sufficient for my vegs and proteins. Agroecological urban sustainability is coming. Anyone have any good books or resources? I really want to grow hemp.

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  • 6 months later...

I didn't really know were else to put this since there isn't a horticulture thread so here is where it goes.


I bought this orchid about a year and a half ago and it hasn't bloomed since it lost the first set of flowers it had. My fiancee thought it was dead and told me to get rid of it, but I kept it, it bloomed and she took some nice pictures. Enjoy.















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