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Fist is Warbound

Fist 666

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Get some authentic afgan pussy if possible.

Bet that shit is mad bushy but throw some soul glow activator on that bush and raw dog it and Rep for USA proper.

Seriously though, stay as safe as possible and when times get tough keep a sense of humor and think of the stories you'll have to tell.

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this place is really fucking hot, and really fucking boring.

with the surge of troops coming in kandahar air field grew faster and larger than was ever planned, so one of the central landmarks is a giant shit pond. my tent is about 400m from that. fail.

i'm probably posting from the same computers godforbid was posting from.


nothing of consequence, just an update that i'm here.


i miss beer.

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prison hooch brah!!!!!



quality prison moonshine AKA juice, jump, raisin jack, brew, chalk, buck, hooch, and pruno. Modern Drunkard Magazine has two recipes available: Classic Pruno and Rich’s Orange Jack.


Pruno is made with oranges, fruit cocktail, sugar, ketchup, and water. Doesn’t it sound tasty? Here’s the author’s reaction:


I had to fight hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution and instinct to get down the first swallow. Even with my nose stuffed with toilet paper, my first instinct was to vomit out what my lizard brain told me was deadly poison.


Orange Jack is made with orange juice concentrate, sugar, dinner rolls, and water. The dinner rolls are a surprising addition, but they are apparently there for yeast. Aside from the bread, this actually doesn’t sound so bad, but I think I’ll continue to stick to store-bought alcohol.

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I don't think it's a matter of restriction as much as it is availability. I'm sure someone who has been there or is currently there can confirm or deny this.


I think that if you're an american engineer in say, Saudi Arabia, and you live on the work compound type thing they have set up booze is available. I can't substantiate this though.

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fist, what are the rules regarding sending books/magazines?


You can send him anything you want. As long as it is not porn

But even the softcore men's mags with girls in them is sometimes considered porn


So use discretion and common sense

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  • 2 weeks later...

porn is nothing to stress about here--we've got a virgin in our mortars who has a couple terabytes of it... so i've got access to everything, including shit i want nothing to do with.


booze is available on post, its a nato operation, it seems that most non-US forces have it, hell, the french are apparently smoking weed here. but by US regs we can't have it.



still in kandahar. its still lame, but its safe time in country which makes the wife happy.


i bought a copy of "tattoo magazine" which i haven't done since i was 17 or so. holy shit. how is this thing still in print? besides a 4 page section w/ no close ups of hiroyoshi III and about 4 random pictures the magazine is full of shit work. and the flash section is fucking comedy. some faggot sent in a twilight painting...


what a world we live in. the australian women continually impress me with how hot they are, and i'm constantly taken back at how ugly army whores are.


thats the update.

fist out.

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  • 1 month later...

i'm sitting on the pakistan border.

i'm about 400 miles from the city of my birth.

this place sucks.

dust 3 foot deep in places, 8 inches everywhere else.

food sucks. low appetite, losing weight.


been watching dexter, not reading as much as i should.


have yet to see a gold plated ak.


have seen some bad shit. read about a reporter that lost a leg? that was my unit.

there are football sized weed fields here. pretty impressive.


other than that, no mail from any of you... sad face. where are you irc crew?

pm w/ any updates.


fist, out

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Man, I feel really bad. I think I got your address around here somewhere and I havent sent you shit. I remember being deployed and not getting any mail except some cookies n shit from my parents. It was a really big let down not to get anything.


Mail is a big morale booster, I am going to go downtown tomorrow and try to find some trinkets you might dig. Its free for me to mail you shit


Sorry man, I will try not to let you down

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  • 9 months later...

well. this is the last night i'll be posting on 12oz from afghanistan.

this year has come, and slowly it has gone.



i'll make a shitty picture thread in a month or so once i've got all my drinkin', fuckin', and rock 'n' rollin' in.

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