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Sharting/Accidently Shitting Yourself


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I proceeded to throw my boxers out and freeball for the rest of my shift...whats the best thing to do in these sticky situations?


I think you nailed it right there.


I did it one night when I was housesitting for a friend. On his couch. Fortunately I was wearing Depends underneath a wetsuit, the combination of which saved the day.


For people that live in SF- Tu Lan on Sixth Street was involved.

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I did that this morning !!! At home thank god !!

I was just finishing brushing my teeth when I felt some gas getting ready ... then I was in the OH SHIT mode within 1/2 second ... Pondered getting back in the shower but I was running late . So I opted for a quick wet TP cleaning and some fresh boxers. TMI ?? too bad you cant unread it (Maniacal Laughter) !!!!!

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I did that a year ago, about a tablespoon of hangover liquid poo disguised as a fart.

I was by myself on a roof in a mechanical room, luckily there was paper towels.

Threw out the boxers and cleaned myself up, then the smell made me puke.

Went home early.

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