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i hate it when you are in an exit only lane for a major freeway in traffic, with signs miles before indicating thus...


...and you are almost on the freeway exit...



...and some dickbird cuts out from the faster, non-exit lane at the last minute and cuts in 2 cars in front of you.



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Merging lanes on a highway and cars are still trying to go as far as they can until their force by a road block to move over, assholes


thats me! Im also the dude that sees the huge line of cars for the exit and switches to the lane next to it to get ahead of everyone and cut back in at the last moment.




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when i come home and my room mates are sitting on the couch with the front door locked.

none of us deal, its a nice neighborhood. scared ass fools.


but if the cops are in your neighborhood for whatever reason, the smell of weed alone is probable-cause enough for them to come in w/o a warrant. not to kick the door in, but to twist the knob and enter unforcefully.

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