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my cliff notes on edge:



RELIGION FREE only makes sense for so long until the people preaching it begin to sound religious



DRUG FREE sounds weird coming from sheltered 16 year olds.



SLUT FREE sounds funny coming from ugly girls



the music is eh.




here is an anecdote i have (notice i am not saying INTERESTING anecdote)


today my friend and i were discussing which new age belief system we should include in our philosophy essay.

she said what about straight edge, i say, yeah because straight edge kids pass a point where they become as religious as the people they are rebelling against and a lot of the youth are against things like drugs that they have never even come into contact with.


i go into much more detail and my friend turns to me and goes


"wow, what a good idea, i'm gonna do it, don't fucking copy me"



lucky she has tits.

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not getting ufcked up and laid is nothing to posse up about. I never met a straight edge

kid. Dont really want to either. Shits silly to me. You dont use drugs. Good for you. You use

drugs, have fun and be careful. About the only setting these kids wouldnt get cut up at

around here would be some scenester shit. Otherwise they try and start some they

probably get opened up cut up or worse

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actually a lot of edge people were raised in houses where drug and alcohol abuse were a major problem.

i was going through a bunch of my grandma's old shit and i found a newspaper from my dad's middle school in dc.

there was a poem in it by ian mackaye. i was like, the ian mackaye?

and dad was like, yeah, he was the other nerdy white kid on my block, he was a little younger but i knew him.

then gram said that she would stay at their house to watch the kids sometimes when their parents would go out of town.

and that their place was full of bottles and totally trashed and the mom was a serious drunkard.

so yeah. erroneous statement countered with semi-interesting anecdote about ian mckaye ftw.

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ive honestly never met someone whos been preachy or pushy about the straight edge.


I know a couple of kids who are.

It's honestly annoying, even coming from a edge person.

People usually don't know that I am Straight Edge unless we have just met each other and are conversing about ourselves and our beliefs; or if I stand up for it.

I don't walk around with an X on my hat and an X on my hands thinking I am BA.

I don't even own any Straight Edge apparel.


But it's whatever.

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ive never met a straight edge boy who was straight edge for longer then a year. ive met alot of girls but i think its because they are scared of man meat.


straight edge is silly, i mean its basically saying your not going to have fun while you still can and that your going to get adult braces. oh, and has there ever been someone whos been straightedge for longer then 20 years?



1000th post!

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Thank god I've never run into any of this sXe shit in Philly.

If you don't wanna drink and get high, why do you need to claim some type of label and go to special events where you mingle with others in this category? Repping that shit is the same as if I walked around telling everyone how much I liked opiates and drawing pills on my hands.



Most these niggas be edge until theres 3 fly ass naked bitches in their bed with a gram of blow next to em. Eh that'd never happen but you feel me.

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^It's been about 6 years since I decided not to drink or smoke. I do not claim to be straight edge. I just decided not to drink or smoke. I have many, many reasons and some make more sense to others. I am not doing this because I don't want to have fun or doing this to be cool it is something I need to do for me.

I have honestly never met anyone else who has decided not to. I have nothing against people who drink or smoke or whatever. Like someone said earlier you do you and I'll do me. A lot of people are really cool about it, but there will always be those people who say that my decision is a stupid one.

At times I regret not drinking/smoking, but it is something I have decided to do and I am not going to stop it. I think that if you do not have the will power, or whatever you want to call it, to hold your own word for yourself than what is your word worth.

Although I am not going to lie people who really get on my case about it annoy me and I can see why some kids take to violence. It is really annoying having everyone ask you why you don't do a certain thing.

In American culture it has become so widely accepted for children to drink and do drugs so, when people don't (which should be a good thing I think) people think there is a problem.

It sucks that some people take a negative view towards people, but in all honesty this happens with a lot of groups of people. For instance some people don't like writers, or skaters, or hip hop heads, or punk kids, or whatever. And this is basically because their opinions differ and that person thinks that they have a superior opinion or idea.

Everyone is different. I don't see why it is such a big deal to try and change people to make them alike.

Just my 2 cents. Argue with me if you want, but I feel like I am pretty reasonable in what I think.

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All you straight edge people sound like 12 year old girls. He's 'fake' or he's 'not a real straight edge' Grow the fuck up, not everything needs a label what the fuck are you a can of soup? I'm curious what all you're reasoning is behind not doing anything. I drink, I smoke, I have sex, just because you don't do a couple of things why to you all have to dress like homos. Not directed at anyone, I also only saw maybe 30 seconds of the video and turned it off cause I was gay and I wanted to go get drunk.

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oh, and has there ever been someone whos been straightedge for longer then 20 years?

Yes. I know a few guys in their 30s and 40s who have been straight edge since they were teens. None of them give a shit about other people doing drugs or drinking.


As i stated before, the reason most of you have had bad experiences with dumb straight edge kids, is because its generally only dumb kids who feel the need to bring it up in conversations or try to push it on people. The rest of them are just like anyone else. They're not mad about what you do, so i don't see why so many of you are so butthurt about what someone does or doesn't feel the need to do.


Also, i know plenty of straight edge people who have sex, with or without being in a relationship. I don't know where some of you are getting the idea that being straight edge automatically means you can't fuck.

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They forgot to mention that finding Jesus is part of it. And taking it up the arse.


Only kids I have ever seen that behave like the first-mentioned "straight edge" are the hard-core Christians up the road. But these kids, some of them actually seem like normal hardcore kids...


These other kids that are fighting and shit (the gang kids mentioned afterwards), the violence shit going, it's partly normal.


It seems it's primarily just kids who have that teenage urge to "belong". And it also is showing a cross-view of normal culture. The violent shit kids, the good kids who let people go and do what they want.


Either way, anyone with half a brain shouldn't encourage drugs, however good they are, so it's a good thing going. And the kids who are violent, hopefully they just kill each other out.


Ps thanks for posting this, it was a good waste of an hour.

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