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What book are you reading? Part 20

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I dont know if it's my lack of reading or if Vonnegut has that affect on everyone but Im physically exhausted from those books. Slaughterhouse Five was the best IMHO.


It's actually a really difficult book in a funny wrapper.There's a whole bunch to absorb. Sirens of Titan is a good one too.

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Try reading Gravity's Rainbow... It's good but GODDAMN!


Honorable mentions to Stuff author unknown, I don't think it's the one about everyday things... maybe, it hurts my brain to think about. I read it from the start of time (flint stones) until the Bessemer process and then my brain swelled and I turned into a pit bull. I didn't realize there would be so much chemistry, and physics, AND biology, AND math. It's just a fuckin' book for christ sakes.


Dishonorable mentions to Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace... You've got 3 names but that is hardly an excuse to push a million page pile of garbage on readers at large. I got it by page 35, we're idiots for even touching your book. Did you really have to carry it on for another THOUSAND pages?


Long books don't scare me or wear me out but seriously, YOU SUCK DFW!


War and Peace was also very long, I was interested but then I wasn't and I had only got 1/4 of the way through. I just studied up on Russian history and read 'The Cherry Tree' (Also 'Metamorphisis' AND 'Lolita')

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Gotta give DFW some credit for his short stories though, some of them are real hard hitters. Good Old Neon is a great one and the brief interviews from 'Brief Interviews With Hideous Men' are very good, especially the final one.


I think the only book that's really exhausted me, meaning I fell asleep numerous times while reading it, was Walden. I did finish it though.

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Try reading Gravity's Rainbow... It's good but GODDAMN!


Honorable mentions to Stuff author unknown, I don't think it's the one about everyday things... maybe, it hurts my brain to think about. I read it from the start of time (flint stones) until the Bessemer process and then my brain swelled and I turned into a pit bull. I didn't realize there would be so much chemistry, and physics, AND biology, ANDmath. It's a fuckin book for christ sakes.


Dishonorable mentions to Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace... You've got 3 names but that is hardly an excuse to push a million page pile of garbage on readers at large. I got it by page 35, we're idiots for even touching your book. Did you really have to carry it on for another THOUSAND pages?


Long books don't scare me or wear me out but seriously, YOU SUCK DFW!


War and Peace was also very long, I was interested but then I wasn't and I had only got 1/4 of the way through. I just studied up on Russian history and read 'The Cherry Tree' (Also 'Metamorphisis')


Because I am perpetually broke I tend to exercise my library card rather than purchase books. After a few attempts at Gravity's Rainbow I realized I'd have to own it, if I was ever to get through it. So I went ahead and did so, and after a labored effort I managed to finish it. I won't pretend to have grasped it in any sense but I felt I could follow it enough to enjoy it. Certainly wouldn't recommend to the light reader. Also there was an artist that depicted each page from the book and got accolades for it..... I felt the art was shit myself.

I never had a go at Infinite Jest but from what i gather I'm better off. I recall the author w/ 3 names made an effort to be as difficult and confusing as possible. The title seems to imply that, in retrospect. I'm lazy on the googling but I believe he went on to off himself, well played.

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I never had a go at Infinite Jest but from what i gather I'm better off. I recall the author w/ 3 names made an effort to be as difficult and confusing as possible. The title seems to imply that, in retrospect. I'm lazy on the googling but I believe he went on to off himself, well played.



It seemed as much... I didn't realize he had done it in. I won't miss him as much as John Kennedy Toole but seriously. The world could do with less 3 named writers.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Long books don't scare me or wear me out but seriously, YOU SUCK DFW!


I haven't tried to read Infinite Jest, but DFW's nonfiction is really really excellent in my opinion.


Tried TWICE to read Gravity's Rainbow, gave up both times. Like trudging slowly through mud with a backpack full of bricks

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Gabe1 your book selection is on point!!




No Country for Old Men Novel 2005

Cormac McCarthy



I watched the movie before I realized there was a book. I am a new fan of the movie (watched it last night), but from the synopsis of the novel, this sounds like I missed out on a really good thing. Trying to locate it online so I can read it on phone. I am very excited.

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