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Anonymous got their ass kicked up and down 8th av by scientologists yesterday


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I think I hate kaballah more, since it is a complete culture rape and bastardization of a real religion people take very seriously.



Scientology is evil as fuck, but I gotta give them credit for acciieving IRL supervillan status off complete bullshit.

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i cant believe how rich these scientology people are.


There retarded rich, Rick Ross rich.


I was making fun of scientology on the train the other day and this lady was looking at me really upset, i just kept going, next time im gonna keep my mouth shut if this is how they get down.

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good point.


kaballah even started to make bottled water..and thats how it was easy to tell it was a scam.


scientology does a good job at covering the scam with their "free stress tests"...still a scam though.

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I would probably go to a local protest just for the fuck of it to get some laughs, but they have a habit of investigating your secrets and destroying your life... And I got a super checkered past full of really dirty/illegal shit that would be endless ammunition




Better leave that to computer geeks who only have a few parking tickets, but scientology is kinda gangster, if they keep pissing off the southern baptists I might start liking them

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They have a crazy team of PI's who track the most outspoken protestors


That's why anonymous wears masks




They do shit like take your picture, follow you to your car, take your plates down, follow you, do background checks, and use any and all info gained to destroy your reputation




Aparantly they have big plans for Nashville because this is a new "celebrity center"

They see lots of nicole Kidman keith urban types to dupe. They already got Sheryl Crows dumb ass last year.




One of my really close friends was a scientilogist , he didn't get too deep, but their philosophies are like the art of war , teach you how to be cuthroat in business and shit

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Most of it comes from members

You have to make increasingly expensive tiered donations to learn the next level of secrets

But the books are like 85$ a pop minimum so that's a nice little stream of money there too






Basically L Ron Hubbard, a science fiction writer confronted with his own insignificance and mortality who wasn't satisfied with his legacy of literature figured out a way to parley his self help system into an entity that would grow in size and scope well beyond his death. He set up this tiered system involving increasing donations for his teachings and created a ruthless and rigid code of conduct and operation that is not to be wavered on. He shrouded this under the initial guise of self help, but as you learn more it slowly transforms to a religion. He used a really ingenious method of compartmentalization, so it slowly reveals itself as this science fiction religion so late in the game that you are already so deep in it both financially, emotionally, intillectually, and to many degrees physically and socially by the time the religion aspect comes about. The result is this entity that is a huge construct of his mind, designed to be utterly self sufficient, self expanding, and made of nothing but his really nonsensical edicts.



His goal was to create a great , powerfull, ever expanding entity that would keep on "living" and thriving well on past his death. In that aspect he really was a mad genius and I totally respect him as the most ballin con artist ever. Real super genius gangster shit.



Scientology is his great son to the world that grows more powerfull and influential, and it will never die.

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Most of it comes from members

You have to make increasingly expensive tiered donations to learn the next level of secrets

But the books are like 85$ a pop minimum so that's a nice little stream of money there too






Basically L Ron Hubbard, a science fiction writer confronted with his own insignificance and mortality who wasn't satisfied with his legacy of literature figured out a way to parley his self help system into an entity that would grow in size and scope well beyond his death. He set up this tiered system involving increasing donations for his teachings and created a ruthless and rigid code of conduct and operation that is not to be wavered on. He shrouded this under the initial guise of self help, but as you learn more it slowly transforms to a religion. He used a really ingenious method of compartmentalization, so it slowly reveals itself as this science fiction religion so late in the game that you are already so deep in it both financially, emotionally, intillectually, and to many degrees physically and socially by the time the religion aspect comes about. The result is this entity that is a huge construct of his mind, designed to be utterly self sufficient, self expanding, and made of nothing but his really nonsensical edicts.



His goal was to create a great , powerfull, ever expanding entity that would keep on "living" and thriving well on past his death. In that aspect he really was a mad genius and I totally respect him as the most ballin con artist ever. Real super genius gangster shit.



Scientology is his great son to the world that grows more powerfull and influential, and it will never die.


way to go dude


now scientology is going to rape your life and make the 0oNtz crash again

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This is a prime example of why these faggots need to be taken the fuck out.

Like for real, not some anon faggots with masks trying and failing to protest.

Apparently these homo's already infiltrated the police who work their security, next thing you know they're going to infiltrate the government.


Yo Tre, it would be dope if niggas did drive-by's and lynchings on these fucking fucktards.

Not saying you or anybody you know should do that, just sayin.

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They have a crazy team of PI's who track the most outspoken protestors


That's why anonymous wears masks




They do shit like take your picture, follow you to your car, take your plates down, follow you, do background checks, and use any and all info gained to destroy your reputation




Aparantly they have big plans for Nashville because this is a new "celebrity center"

They see lots of nicole Kidman keith urban types to dupe. They already got Sheryl Crows dumb ass last year.




One of my really close friends was a scientilogist , he didn't get too deep, but their philosophies are like the art of war , teach you how to be cuthroat in business and shit



this is angry gay pope he don't take no shit.



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They have a crazy team of PI's who track the most outspoken protestors


That's why anonymous wears masks




They do shit like take your picture, follow you to your car, take your plates down, follow you, do background checks, and use any and all info gained to destroy your reputation



Which is especially hilarious to me since Anonymous complains about it and then proceeds to do exactly the same thing to people on the internet for fun all the time.

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Which is especially hilarious to me since Anonymous complains about it and then proceeds to do exactly the same thing to people on the internet for fun all the time.



that /a/ isn't the same /a/ that is protesting.

the /a/ in question are referred to by the /a/

you are referring to as "moralfags".

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i cant believe how rich these scientology people are.

i think i will start a religion too, and try to recruit rich movie stars.


by the way...what ever happened to kabbala?


i would like to see a scientology vs kabbala celebrity death match....remember that show?


dude i was just talking about celebrity death match last night, that show definitely didn't last as long as it should of, think of the possibilities of matches today.

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that /a/ isn't the same /a/ that is protesting.

the /a/ in question are referred to by the /a/

you are referring to as "moralfags".


Oh I know, but the moralfags took their identity from something they apparently didn't understand enough. As a subgenius minister I have always found Scientology to be extremely lulzy. Hubbard created a great big in-joke which was just believable enough to stupid people to make a profit. "Bob" would have been proud.

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someone needs to systematically kill the major figures in scientology.


everyone'll be too scared to keep going.


dead celebrities, and one less shitty 'religion' win-win.



It wouldn't work. The followers are brainwashed and it would make the dead into martyrs and give fuel to the fire. It might even gain new followers since the story of Jesus is fresh in everyone's mind whether they are religious or not. The story of the martyr is so deeply embedded in the mind of the culture that producing new ones might cause people to believe.

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Oh I know, but the moralfags took their identity from something they apparently didn't understand enough. As a subgenius minister I have always found Scientology to be extremely lulzy. Hubbard created a great big in-joke which was just believable enough to stupid people to make a profit. "Bob" would have been proud.




are you ready for x-day? are you?


bob wouldn't have been proud. too much work goes into scientology.


all work and no slack makes for a shitty religion.

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I've been ready for x-day since the first time it did or didn't happen.


He would have been proud of the money, and the people making it who aren't doing any work but making brainwashed idiots run useless errands.

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Seriously though, we really live in a pussy society, one dude screamin at mark bunker, gettin in his face should have had his head smashed in.


I get amazed when I witness so many people just back down when being yelled at irrationally. What happened to handling business accordingly? Fucking shit up?


But Testicular is right, if there was an insurrection media will catch wind and Scientology will amass more followers.

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I've been ready for x-day since the first time it did or didn't happen.


He would have been proud of the money, and the people making it who aren't doing any work but making brainwashed idiots run useless errands.



touche'.....still, it's a ton of work to be a scifag

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scientology is a joke compared to islam



not really. islam is a real religion. i don't recall every reading that muslims believe in an

alien bad guy named xenu, spaceships that look like b-52's, souls in volcano's, strange powers, thetans, etc etc....

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