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Crazy Viet Cong Traps


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I have an uncle who is a Vietnam Veteran from 1970-1972 . When they came across a bunker , they wouldn't bother even calling the Engineers . Instead they took it upon themselves to take a 5 gallon can of diesel fuel , and wire up a claymore or a combination of WP/Frag grenades . Basically , burning-out whoever might be inside . I guess being a 19 year old in 1970 , I would've been creative as much as possible in a war .

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I have an uncle who is a Vietnam Veteran from 1970-1972 . When they came across a bunker , they wouldn't bother even calling the Engineers . Instead they took it upon themselves to take a 5 gallon can of diesel fuel , and wire up a claymore or a combination of WP/Frag grenades . Basically , burning-out whoever might be inside . I guess being a 19 year old in 1970 , I would've been creative as much as possible in a war .


this dude i know told me they used to put sandbags in front of claymores so when you tripped it it would send a shitload of sand at you at a ridiculous pace, obviously, and would tear the shit out of your body.


he said people would also do this if someone in the platoon became responsible for other peoples deaths because they would cower in a situation when they needed them. he said they'd set it up when the person would be on night patrol and wouldnt be on their normal route or whatever and trip it up and boom! "no more coward"

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Americans set traps as well, my Dad told me a bunch of stuff.


Cut the fuse down and pull the pin on a grenade and slide an empty can of food over it.

They'd pick up the can to see if there was food in it and instantly get blown up because the fuse was short.


Also they would take ammunition and empty it out then pack it full of plastique,

the enemy would put it in their magazine and be firing away then boom, the weapon explodes in their face.

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I'm guessing you just saw that show on the History Channel or whatever channel it was about this?



Nope, just came across it in my random travels arcoss the internet.



I know war is savage, but I didn't know that dudes filled empty ammo with explosives and shit on spikes for ensured pain/death. I hate to say it but it makes perfect sense to me. I would not be fucking around.

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Some units that operated deep in vietcong territory would carry dud ammunition and add it to enemy stockpiles they found. Looks just like a normal bullet or mortar until it blows up in your face. Supposedly they didn't let guys pick up VC ammo because it happened to a few americans.

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The barbed-spike plate is the basic element of all enemy non explosive booby traps. The plate, a flat piece of wood or metal, is used as a base to fasten any number of barbed spikes. The spikes, ranging in length from several inches to several feet, are fastened securely to the base. When a man steps or falls on the spiked plate, or is struck by one, the spikes will penetrate, producing a serious wound.




This device is a simple wooden box made of boards joined together with four corner posts. The box has a lightweight-top but the bottom is removed. Barbed spikes are placed in the ground at the bottom pointing upward. This trap is usually set up on dirt roads and trails to take advantage of favorable camouflage.




Made of bamboo which has been sharpened, the stakes are stuck in the ground and covered with grass. When a weapon is fired or a grenade thrown, troops seek cover and are impaled.

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A trap pit is a large trap box with a bamboo top. Stakes are made of sharpened bamboo or barbed spikes and used to line the box. When a man steps on the trap he will fall into the pit. The top turns on an axle; therefore, the trap does not need to be reset to work again. The pit is often prepared as a defensive obstacle and then made safe by locking it in place with a crossbeam (so it can be crossed safely by the enemy) until the desired time of use. Note that the pit is over 2 metres deep.




A small footbridge is partially cut in the middle. The cut is then camouflaged with coverings of mud, etc. Barbed spikes or sharpened bamboo stakes are emplaced under the cut, using the water, mud or foliage under the bridge as camouflage. The weight of a man on the bridge will cause it to collapse, tumbling the victim onto the spikes. Like the spike trap pit bridges can be prepared in this manner, braced for normal use. At the approach of free world forces the braces are removed.




This trap utilizes a bamboo tube (usually about 3 feet long) as a launcher. A steel arrow is placed in the tube using a block of wood as the bolt, a strip of strong rubber for power and a catch to lock the rubber strip, the device is fired with a tripwire. When the victim trips the wire, the latch disengages, allowing the rubber strip to launch the arrow.

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