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my mum was diagnosed last year with throat and beat it, my aunty has terminal brain cancer, both my grandpops died from lung cancer and my uncle had a kidney removed to prevent any further spread of cancer.


im scared as shit that this is going to end up killing me because ive seen first hand what it does to people too many times

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My wife's Grandmother just passed away from Lung Cancer last Wednesday.


She was a smoker for 20 years. She had not smoked in 25 plus years though.


I watched her go from a healthy lady to nothing. Seeing someone waste away like is nuts and not a pretty site.


Cancer is no fucking joke i only hope it doesn't get me or anyone in my family.

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I hope your nephew is okay!

he sounds like a trooper waiting 2 hours for pain medication so you know he's strong.

keep the faith and before you know it he'll be back out doing his thing!

he's lucky to have an uncle to help out when it all gets too much for his mum!

FUCK cancer seriously!

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Some dude at work just passed from brain cancer. He had multiple operations and chemo and radiation but it went started growing deeper into his brain and then became terminal. Dude was in his 40's and working up until about a month ago.

Driving nails and building shit to 30 days later and being dead. Crazy.




It sucks cause my nephew goes home after chemo but only lasts a couple days there.

He turns neutropenic and develops a fever so he has to go back to the hospital for about a week. So he really misses home. Since he has to go back for the next round of chemo.


Also his next round of chemo is going to be at CHOC. So he'll have access to peer groups and stuff.


This last round of chemo really fucked him up. Hard to see him go through it at the hospital.

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  • 11 months later...
My homie just left my house who is fighting esophageal Cancer for the last 6 months. He looks like shit. Dude was always hella' skinny, but jokes aside, looks like that chick from Fight Club at the therapy session who gets on the mic all desperate.


All His hair is gone and I'd say he's about 125lbs. at best and stands 6' 2".


He stayed for an hour or so and started to just slump over while wheezing.


I've grown up with this dude for the last 22 years and this shit really sucks to watch/see.


...Just had to vent.



Dude passed away today. Almost a year to the day of posting this. At least he's out of pain.

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Cancer is fucking gay dude. My wishes go out to your nephew dude. I just recently finished intensive chemotherapy myself, for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I'm on maintnence threapy for the next 3 years or so. Do they think your nephew has leukemia or anything like that? For kids, those are the cancers that usually have very good cure rates, like in the high 90's.

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I can't remember who started the original. Hopefully everythings going good for him and his family.

Anyways i'm here on the oz at the hospital with my little nephew.

He's on his second cycle of chemo.

My sis had been staying here every night but finally went home for 2 days to spend time with my neice. So im gonna spend the next two nights here.


Found out earlier this month he had a tumor pressing up against his spine which was causing pretty bad pain since last Septemberish.


There were three possiblities of 'C' it could have been.

A superbad no hope one.

A medium one with some hope.

And a third that responds well to chemo.


Biopsy showed the third.

It's still very serious since nerves and spinal cord are involved also very painful.


I spent the night after the biopsy and it was so fuckin' hard to see him in that much pain, squirming, wincing, sweating etc. and not being able to do anything. Even the nurse felt horrible cause she had to wait for the doc's ok to give more diloted? or put him back on the drip.


Anyways this cancer shit fucking sucks. And symbols needs to invent cures in the lab, lance needs to heal up and start pwning again, and obama needs to start spending war money on stem cells or whatever will help destroy cancer.


My family has been fairly good at avoiding cancer.

Although my nina/godmother died of breast cancer when i was little.








Props to you for being close and him for being tough, I hope the lord blesses your nephew.

Yall are in my prayers.

Good Luck!

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one of the toughest things that anyone can go through. a friend of mine dodged a bullet with cervical cancer, caught it really early. i for the most part ignore everyone/everything, but i'll spend all my time to help a friend with cancer. it's not their fault, and i feel like it's your duty as a friend to be there for them every second you can.


RIP to your friend, bojangles. may all that ailed him in this life be left here before he got to the next.

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RIP for Bojangles homie.


Not to take away from that, but my nephew is doing good.

The tumor has responded to the chemo and radiation. He was 2 or 3 more treatments left then he should be in remission if all goes well.


When he first got diagnosed the odds were not that great and he was to survive he'd have to get some pretty drastic surgeries (amputation).


Met some cool people hanging out in the C ward. It sucks he made some good friends in there and lost some already and some young dudes had to have limps amputated.



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I wish people knew how to take better care of themselves. Writers arent exactly known for their healthy lifestyles. Cancer is basically sugar fermenting in your body. Processed foods and refined sugar, smokes, eating dirty pussy, all that shit needs to go. RIP to your homie Bo-J. This is the plague of our times.

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  • 1 month later...

i got a rare case of leukemia when i was 8 months old.

so rare that i was the 12th case in all of medical history.

no joke.

i got a blood transfusion at that age and the doctor said i wouldnt live to see 15.

but fuck that.

im 26 and still going strong.



my parents never told me i was suppose to die until i was around 20.

kinda fucked up...but i was a pretty spoiled kid...now i know why.

i hope the best for you and yer family tho.

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That's what mine did. I was diagnosed with Lymphoblastic Lymphona when I was 15, and having Asian parents they thought that, and my doctor called them idiots in the most professional way possible. A lot of pediatric malignancies are either genetic, birth defect related, or just bad luck.

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Fuck Cancer is goddamn right . I walked 13 miles on a local track at our city's " Relay For Life " this past Sat-Sun . My Mother is a Breast Cancer Survivor...all in all the 20 hour event raised $70,000 , which is rad .

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Good luck classified!


Last weekend we had a party for my nephew.

He had his last chemo session went to neutrapenic and had to go back to the ER but was able to make his party and get fucked up.


:crosses fingers and hope.



From what I remember its a mixture of genetics and environment and is basically deformed cell replicating. But I could be wrong.

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