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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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IDK, I had the Uinta black and it was ok, had something else from them that was not as memorable. I did see the above in the store the other day and passed it by without a 2nd thought because the trend lately seems to be to put lime into gose beers and I just don't find that salt is a good ingredient for beer. Otherwise, maybe I would have briefly considered it had I seen this was a pilsner. If you've ever had a Corona with a lime in it... the above has to be better, doesn't it?!

Also @Fist 666 Uinta did make a Golden Spike hefeweizen(?), good at least for the label.

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  • 1 month later...

Finally got my shit together and put a brew on.


Was supposed to start off simple with extract and maybe some dry hopping. But noooooo, I couldn't help myself and decided to do a half boil and ended up with a frankenbrew.


1 can of Coopers IPA extract

200gm of crystal malt

750gm dextrose

165gm of LME

90gm of DME

30 gm of Amarillo for 60mins

12gm of Citra and 15gm of Amarillo for 10ins


Problem was that as I was steeping the crystal malt I put the stove on low and got distracted. Came back and found it at 95c, which probably messed it up. Flavour had turned from sweetness to tea flavour (no astringency though). Also, I put the extract into the mash and boiled it for 30 mins and there was a bit of a burnt flavour in it so I added another 250gm of dextrose and made the whole volume of water at 30lt instead of 28lt.


The final flavour seems ok, the initial gravity reading was 1033 (but at 22c and I haven't converted so it may be a little lower). Now the challenge will be keeping it below 20c as the days get warmer. I haven't acquired a fridge yet but will soonish....., was getting back into brewing to save money and I've spent well over AUD$200 just to get set up again!!



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  • 4 months later...

Not giving up on this thread, just been drinking shit that's either too local to post or made in such small quantities/distribution that you're not going to find it. Some good shit going on though. Among these, a smoked stout, and a french toast brown ale that was amazing, sure did seem like they threw some french toast into the tank. Last was a maple mushroom stout. If you're questioning that you are correct to, but it came out pretty good. Maple right up front followed by earthy mushroom tones over the stout. I doubt people are going to be killing kegs of that, but worth the experience.

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  • 1 month later...

Metal has slowly been creeping into beer, ok I guess given how much beer has gone into metal. Latest I saw was Anthrax the other day. I know @Fist 666 is lurking... thoughts?






Can only imagine how much more bedlam would have been created if they had this shit in the day.

Could still be more metal, needs slogans like 'brewed with a hatred for humanity' or 'cold filtered though Lemmy's old denim.'

No market for Alcoholica Lager or Suicide Solution Ale!


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When the Maiden Trooper first dropped I hunted it down and have a bottle saved for display purposes. At this point, this fad (like most everything to do with craft beer) is just a gimmick. The beers are okay, never great. somebody just bought licensing and thinks it'll sell better than whatever lame label they had initially designed.


I agree, though, they should push the boundary a bit with "edgier" marketing campaigns, but its not actually for metal heads (pbr/highlife/busch/etc is) its for gaylords on Harleys and lifted 2wd f350s who listen to the hard rock station and wear a spring break 92 tribal arm band tattoo with pride. image is bullshit. fuck everything.


also, I've basically quit drinking and have lost about 20 pounds in the last 6 months.

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AC/DC brought out their own line of wine in Aust a few years back. Maynard from Tool makes his own wine as well. Sometimes, rarely, it can be real.


Tonight I bottled by first brown ale whilst drinking my first stout. Quietly happy with both - each are very, very basic and stripped back recipes that allow me to understand the grain, hops, yeast and water (been doing the same with lighter beers as well) and are surprisingly comparable to your more complex beers with a mosaic of grains, hops and adjuncts. The stout is simply a base grain with roast barley for the grist and a simple European style hops (Styrian Golding as I couldn't source EKG or Fuggles) and it's really fucking good. I'll likely replicate the recipe at lower temp for higher attenuation and higher booze points but add some oats to keep a solid texture to it.


Might to that and a deep, hearty English IPA for winter next weekend.

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also, I've basically quit drinking and have lost about 20 pounds in the last 6 months.


Impressive, sure you're happy about that. I stopped drinking twice recently and saw some weight loss. Don't do it every day now but have achieved a good balance between consumption and energy needed to burn it off.

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