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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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I'd be up for a beer trade too, especially if you can send me that Knee Deep and/or Drakes triple IPA. Just read an article about those beers today.


You either love or hate sour beers, I love them. I'd suggest starting with something simple like a 350ml bottle of Rodenbach or Duchesse de Bourgogne. One of the brewers at New Belgium spent time working at Rodenbach and the La Folie is a decent US made sour. Petrus has some inexpensive sours that should be available in your market.


The point being, spend as little money as possible to try one out before investing $20plus on a bottle from Russian River, Jolly Pumpkin or some great belgian brewer because there's a good chance you're going to hate sour beer.

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Cus- Their stouts are certainly not that, but they are still delicious. And palate wrecker will get you fuuuuucked up.


This weekend, I had a few goodies, not as many as I would have liked. But as with anything good, time brings amateurs and SF Beer Week was no different. After a semi-failed venture to Beer Rev for a wine barrel aged night (beer to follow), and a complete inability of any bartender to adequately explain a beer's style before I bought it. We left after one.


Later in the weekend we drank some nice beers to ourselves. It went as follows:


Ale Industries Generation 4- mehh. Nice concept but just sort of boring. Slightest hints of the barrel, but overall it felt muddled. Which, considering they have brewed four beers (different types) in this same barrel, I'm not quite surprised by. Not a bad beer, just not great.


Oakshire Collaboration Evil on Pinot Grigio Barrels- This beer right here was a surprise winner in my book. Light, bright, and with a hint of sourness that was rounded out by the grassy yet full tartness imparted by the pinot barrel. I know this beer was a one off. I think they did four barrels of it and that was it. But I'll be goddamned if I didn't have a good feeling about it when I ordered it. MMMM MM.


Drank some oly, drank some lagunitas IPA, mehh.


Then I had this:




'was gooooooood. Most of you know the series, starting with XII and onward. I haven't has a XV so I'm curious how that was, lurker. Either way, these beers are great after at least a year. We had the XIV maybe 13.5 months after release? Something like that. Fucking delicious. Had it with a beef stew that we made with regular Old Rasputin in the stew itself.


After that we had this:




I mean, I like Nogne. Don't get it twisted. But these releases I dunno if I can really get behind. SOOO MUCH SUGAR. I know this thing could sit for way more years than we already let it did. But at some point, fuck it. I just wanna drink you, give it up, ya know? I'm not trying to wait until the third date.


Either way, delicious beers were delicious. I got drunk, had some whiskey, saw some pals. Ate some great food (Big ups to Commonwealth and Homeroom in Oakland. My dude who works at Mission Chinese hooked it the fuck up last night.)



Actually, fuck it, I'm gonna lay out the foods too. We all like nice shit here.


Commonwealth- Local british pub style spot. Great food and a nice tap selection. Caught fire a couple months ago and the local food and beer community to came together to give them kitchen space on weekends to keep some money in employee pockets until the insurance got their shop straightened out.




Nothing better than copping a proper chicken pot pie, and a pint here.



Homeroom- This place opened up a lil over a year or so ago with the sole menu of different mac n cheeses. Now, personally, I make a great fucking mac n cheese, so my discerning ass was skeptical. And rightfully so, it seemed. Initially place was fucked up. Uninspired menu, shitty service, and lame beers outside of an Old Rasputin dedicated nitro tap. Second attempt was better, but still somewhat discombobulated on the service side. Tried it again this weekend, and goddamn they had someone whip their ass into shape. Expanded menu, better beer selection. FUUUUUUU WAS GOOD! I had a mac n cheese with smoked cheddar and jack, bacon and broccoli with breadcrumbs on top. The lady had, as fancy as she is, black truffle gruyere with peas and chantrelle mushrooms. I finished both of ours.





If you wanna know the ill burrito joint in SF, Taqueria El Buen Sabor, on 18th and valencia. Get your shit together and go there.



Lastly, went to Mission Chinese.




Dinner went as follows:


Beer Brined Sichuan Pickles

Smashed Cucumber in Garlic Sauce

Egg Egg Noodle- Egg yolk over egg noodles in broth with scallions, crunchy chinese sausage.

Smoked Eel Tea Rolls- I don't think I need to explain why that is awesome

Salt Cod Fried Rice- Really this was a mackerel confit (if you've ever eaten saba you know what's up) with a friend rice and thin slices of chinese sausage.

Mongolian Long Beans- Spicy as fuck fresh green beans, basically

Beef Cheek "A L'Orange"- What you think it is. Super fucking proper beef cheek. Delicious.


I ate some much and we still brought home so much.







Was walking home from dinner, passed by a bar with a DFH tap takeover. I really wanted to try, Noble Rot (limited release saison), but it wasn't on. We did try Olde School Barleywine on tap. I've had bottles before but wanted to see if there was anything different bout the draught. Nope. Still blown out. Still super sweet. Mehh. 4oz at $4, no thanks for anymore.



And that, dear readers, is my opening weekend SF Beer Week report.

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I will say out of all those beers posted I caught eye with that Old Rasp. Definitely a old favorite of mine. I remember the first time I had it on draft, delicious. Yet, I have fallen off the beer adventure slightly and had no idea about the series they have been putting out and I must say oak barrel OR must be AMAZING. I need to pick me up one, make it two.

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not really^


snifters are good for tastings, where they pour you a small amount and you want to get the most out of the whisky--then they're perfect as you effectively concentrate the aroma at the neck of the glass.


past that though, if you poured a decent amount--or if you have a cask strength-ish whisky--then there's no benefit and in some cases you can overwhelm your nose and miss a lot of nuances. i did this with a 54% Ardbeg and i couldn't pick out most of the subtleties that i normally would.


i'll take a nice rocks tumbler any day of the week.


speaking of glass ware, this will be what IPA's will be poured into if this shit takes off. a new glass between DFH and Reidel i think;



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Ice = cold = less flavour.


If you have cask strength whisky though, you should be adding a slight of water to it anyway. The main advantage of a Glencairn is if you have to endure a serious tasting by guideline, where you need to return to the glass three or four times over the hour, then again after it's been empty for a good while after. The shape will hold the nose, and legs by finger are measured off a Glencairn.


It's a wanky, drawn out clap trap if you ask me, but don't tell the SMWS - because they take it kind of seriously....!


Welcome back nuggetchops.

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Attended a Belgian Beer Fest and a supposed Sour Beer event this past weekend. At the Belgian fest, my group utilized probably 6 different bar tenders - 2 were eager and willing to actually tell us which beers were which after placing them in front of us, 1 was willing, and 3 said "don't know" before immediately moving on to the next customer. So I shant be giving any sort of review of those beers. The Sour event on the other hand, I had:

Dogfish Head 2 Blind Mices - much better than I thought it would be, is this in bottles?

Harpoon Solera - very mild flavors, little tartness

Boulevard Saison Brett - tasted very watered down, a problem I have w/ all Boulevard brews

Against The Grain Gnag Reflex - actually bad

Evil Twin Femme Fatale Brett - very so so, no one really had a good or bad thing to say about it

Allagash FV 13 - possibly the best beer of the day, right amount of tartness and flavor, outstanding

Allagash Interlude - better on draft than in bottle but still a little too warm and boozy for me

New Belgium Clutch - awesome tart roasted malt stout (similar to Jolly Pumpkin's Obscura)

New Belgium/Lost Abbey Brett Beer - really wanted to like this as I enjoy both breweries but it fell flat

Elysian Mortis - actually bad, didn't even finish the sample glass we had

Alvinne Morpheus Wild - one of my all time favorites, delicious darker fruity tartness

Trois Dames l'Amoureuse No 2 Ruge - strong wine taste, light strawberry flavor, little tartness

Birrificio del Ducato My Blueberry Nightmare - another runner up, ridiculously tart dark sour, fantastic

We had some others randomly as well but I don't remember the names, good event in all but out of the 20+ my group tried, maybe between 5 and 10 of them were actually sour. Purchased several bottles, nothing too noteworthy other than some '09 Noel de Calabaza.

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Also, that image is a bit of a stretch. It's not untrue that they own/produce those beers - but to say they are all separate brands is not accurate. Fat Yak, Big Helga, Alpha Pale, Redback & Beez Neez are all under one brand known as Matilda Bay. Which is actually a place in Western Australia, but when they bought it out they started producing it on the east coast while retaining the Western Australian geographical name.


Classic big business.


I need a pint.

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