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Hippies Scale Golden Gate Bridge to Post "Free Tibet" Banners


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SAN FRANCISCO - Three people protesting China's human rights record and the impending arrival of the Olympic torch climbed up the Golden Gate Bridge Monday and tied the Tibetan flag and two banners to its cables.


The banners read "One World One Dream. Free Tibet" and "Free Tibet."

The protesters wore helmets and harnesses as they made their way up the cables running next to the south tower of the famed span. The climb had the group suspended several dozen feet above traffic.

Mary Ziegenbien, a spokeswoman with the California Highway Patrol, said authorities would not try to go get the protesters out of concern for their safety.

"We don't want to put their lives in danger by going and grabbing them off the suspension cables right now," she said.

The torch relay is scheduled for Wednesday in San Francisco, its only North American stop.

Its path around the globe already has been marked by protests against China's policies toward Tibet and Sudan. In Paris, organizers canceled the final leg of the Olympic run after chaotic protests, snuffing out the torch and putting it aboard a bus.

Rallies, vigils and news conferences related to the torch's arrival have taken place in San Francisco almost daily for the past several weeks. More are planned over the next two days in anticipation of the torch's arrival.

About 80 torchbearers will carry the flame on a six mile route along the San Francisco Bay.

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the only thing they accomplished is getting their asses put and pounded in prison, that and blocking up traffic and ruining thousands of peoples days. i hope they fall to their death.


even if they did the protest in china it still wouldn't change anything

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my bad larrymoecurly.


all good, i guess my thread titles aren't catchy enough.


Update (1:38 p.m.) : The protesters scurried down the cables, were promptly arrested by CHP officers. Local media outlets have inundated our inbox with link requests, so: you got 'em. For interviews with the protesters, check out NBC 11 and KPIX.


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How many of you would do this?


Climbing the towers of the Golden Gate Bridge takes some serious brass balls I doubt any of you haters have.


Then again, it's not really going to make a difference. There's too much investment in SF from Chinese nationals via property, finance and tourism for the mayor to take a stand.


I have a lot more admiration for people that climb a bridge over traffic in broad daylight under windy conditions (I've been on the GG Bridge hundreds of times, and it's always windy) and hang banners than for a bunch of people who just want to talk shit about hippies on the internet.

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Its cool when people like to risk their lives to hang banners about countries that they have never been to. Falling to your death to complain about china is a great way to die. These people are all butt hurt about Tibet when the country they live in is going down the shitter. Why don't they hang some banners up complaining about their home rather than some place they've only seen on the fucking internet. Of course you would only get people dumb enough to do this in San Fran.

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Its cool when people like to risk their lives to hang banners about countries that they have never been to. Falling to your death to complain about china is a great way to die. These people are all butt hurt about Tibet when the country they live in is going down the shitter. Why don't they hang some banners up complaining about their home rather than some place they've only seen on the fucking internet. Of course you would only get people dumb enough to do this in San Fran.


Actually this stuff is going on, on a pretty much global scale. These guys in SF have seemed to be so far the ballsiest.


I do agree with you that the fact that people are all up in arms over this stuff, when the people around them are losing their homes etc and etc is kind of silly. Regardless it is still commendable.


Why not complain about what's going on here? Well it's America. We're perfect, aren't we?


Land of the Free.

Home of the Brave.

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Yeah, well...I was born in SF, and I know a lot of people who do actions like this and go to jail and get beat up. I did for a while, but I can't really risk it anymore.


Therefore, having been there and done things of that nature and having gotten arrested and teargassed and beat up....these people get my respect. I would never talk shit about someone that put their life and freedom on the line for a cause they believed in.


Here's some perspective for you-


Height of tower above water: 746 ft


Height of tower above roadway: 500 ft


Offshore winds are about 20 mph right now

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Its cool when people like to risk their lives to hang banners about countries that they have never been to. Falling to your death to complain about china is a great way to die. These people are all butt hurt about Tibet when the country they live in is going down the shitter. Why don't they hang some banners up complaining about their home rather than some place they've only seen on the fucking internet. Of course you would only get people dumb enough to do this in San Fran.


I would prop you but I've given out too many nega props today. :lol:

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