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Witness pup Boxer get hit by a Mercedes.


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Driving home from school i witness a boxer get hit in the front/side area of her body; the dog rolled and smashed her head on the median were she finally laid. Immediately i jumped out of the car and ran to her, she laid a good 5 minutes before getting up shaken and confused. A few neighbors and i kept her in place until a lady ran inside to get a blanket, as soon as i opened the car door the boxer staggerd inside on her own. I drove to several vets, until i finally received assistance at the SPCA. The pup was limping, and she had rectal bleeding, although not profusely. When the SPCA placed her on a cart, she was standing, weakly, but standing. The speed of the vehicle is hard to determine because if i remember correctly i believe he/she attempted to slow down, but if i had to guess i would say 25-30mph. I'm extremely concerned for the dog, i asked the facility to contact me with any information on her status asap. I received a phone call around 5pm, and they said she suffered head trauma (huge knot was visible), and abrasions. I asked about any internal injuries, and they had yet to perform any x-rays?! She was given medication and fluids, and they said she's ok at this time. After i asked, they did inform me x-rays will be performed tomorrow, they are going to see how she does tonight?!


Does anyone have success stories from the SPCA?

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bro, dont worry the girl...(elbow nudge)


fatal im sure that its going to be fine, if they thought that the prognosis was that bad im sure they would have let you know. Or at least gave you an idea that it might not make it... those dogs are pretty resilient and stern in makeup... it will be fine

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The entire time reading this i was like :(


I love boxers...



exact same deal here. its' weird, i was never fond of them untill i owned a brendel *spelling?* myself. they're incredibly energetic and rascal-like, they fuckin own period. whomever was driving. should be run over....by a buss carrying 3packs of boxers being driven by that dude ceasar from dog whisper.

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you are probably going to have to adopt it or they may just end up euthanizing it anyway...


spca dosent have the best turnover ratio for animals brought in/homes found


Word. At least "adopt" it and let it loose near where you found it.


Give it a chance to find it's way home rather than just sit back and allow it to get put down.

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Aww ooh my god Fatalz you guys are awesome. I just lost my boxer, so sad this really makes me happy that you took the time and cared enough to help it out. I hope all works out and you guys keep it because they are the absolute sweetest dogs in the world and have alot of heart specially towards teh babies. I remember my Roxie when my cousins were babies we were so scared that she was going to knock them over or jump all over them but she was wicked calm and just went up to them licked them and laid down and let the kids jump all over her and sleep with her. She was awesome...


Boxesr=best dogs ever...

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I'm so nervous. I'm going to call the SPCA and see if she made it through the night, God I hope. If all goes well i decided to name her Ella, hence the street i found her on.


Thanks for the support, I know most of you would have done the same.

Poor pup.

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I really don't agreee with most people's view of the SPCA. I worked there for a while, and we never killed an animal simply because it couldn't be adopted. There are so many outsourcing places, organizations that will take the dogg in just so this type of euthanasia doesn't happen. As far as future health problems the dog very well may have some problems in the future, but that is a given for boxers, especially if the dog is a pure breed. I'd say this pup has a pretty good chance at recovery, since it sounds like you've taken a genuine interest in it's future. Good Luck.



Oh, and as far as I know, most Vet's that work in hospitals have at one point, or still do work for the spca. So I don't think that you can call them b rate.

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