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do you guys ever just say "fuck it?"...

twinky the kid

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ya, i did the whole, "ah fuck it i aint going to class"

and i eventually failed a bunch of classes because of it

dropped out of college.

and that was the end of that chapter.



Pretty much the story of my life. Props.

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i say 'fuck it' and wake my ass up and go to work everyday



then i say 'FUCK YEAH' on payday



Whenever theres money involved im like fuck it and drag my ass to where ever.



But school was always fuck it lets get drunk instead.

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Whenever theres money involved im like fuck it and drag my ass to where ever.



But school was always fuck it lets get drunk instead.


you chubby he she lookin crustache having monchichi moron


instead of registering a bunch of really witty new names


you could realize that your original name Deloner isnt banned anymore and hasnt been since like the day after you got banned

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i've been livin the "fuck it" life for the past month or so

(due primarily to not taking my meds, which was fucking stupid),

and i'm just starting to snap out of it

(due primarily to taking my meds, which i never should have stopped).


anyway, i fuckin hate the "who cares" mentality, and i hate it when people glorify not giving a shit.

those same people tend to be pretty unhappy.


in my experience, for any length of time i spend in "fuck it mode,"

i can expect to spent AT LEAST double that trying to correct the damage it causes.


it's just stupid, plain & simple.

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im in "college" right now

i pull days like this every so often, but i make sure to do the whole fuck it thing when stakes are low. Its a very good feeling, being laid back and relaxed, and in reality, u miss what u miss, often ive found that i dont miss that much at all by doing it, since i catch up in other ways and manage just fine.


everyone should have a day like this every month

its therapy

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You learned to shit in 2000 in Hawaii? Crazy.


As for me, I've been on "fuck it" mode for a while. I need to tighten up my game...I still make enough to get by and whatnot, but I wish I had taken things a little more seriously when they would have made a difference.


Basically, I need to get a real job and stop living so close to the edge.





Ive been in my fuck the workld mode for a hot second


but I make enough with design jobs and performances, equipment rentals, etc, to make a living wile managing to do work when the fuck I feel like it. the economy is all fucked up anyways

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The last two on the books jobs I had left me with a real bad taste in my mouth about being part of the regular workforce.


At this point, I want to get all the loans and grants I can and get an education. It may translate into a better job, or it may not. At least I'll have some money coming in and something to keep me occupied.

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i think many of you are misinterpreting what this guy was saying

i think he had a fuck it day when he could have afforded to

i dont see how one day of relaxing and not stressing life in class when u really dont need to be there, is shitting on your education.

How badly are profs needed really? They arent the ones responsible for the education you get, you are! If you are committed to the material, you will always find a way to manage your time and still have room for days like this

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i'm about to say fuck it on this whole school thing completely




not really but man do i want to, i got my portfolio review coming up in two weeks

and if i dont pass this shit i cant continue in my major and basically shit on 3 years of college

shits getting mad stressful, but i drank a beer while i took a walk in the woods

and watched some trains go by so i'm alright right now, minus my girlfriend annoying me

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