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3 eh?

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Everything posted by 3 eh?

  1. Every problem has a solution:... Check your PM...
  2. Re: ---------------- The =Mr. TOTEM= TATS Cru - 3A - TGE - 7th thread ----------- 09'-til Dude with the sword talkin about "run them titties!!!"
  3. They all do that... every semi auto...
  4. a hipster t-shirt telling hipsters to die... what the hell is the world coming to???
  5. 3 eh?


    would love to see what he's been up to...
  6. That promotion to detective is not in your near future...
  7. Volume one keeps print-graffiti magazines alive... always fresh.
  8. Keeping the tradition of print graffiti media alive!!! magazines truly document graff for the long term... internet is great to see a bunch of shit instantly, but it will eventually all vanish in an error screen. (same with all your digital photos saved to a disc, so PRINT what's important to you...)
  9. the Graffiti lifestyle means different things to different people, and changes over time. People start for different reasons, get different things out of it, and quit for different reasons. None of them right or wrong.
  10. Morbidly obese's graff mag game is on point... plastic sleeves and all...
  11. Personal disagreements = PM...
  12. Where were the Kem/Ges cars? What state?
  13. I miss the smell of krylon... Someone in charge must have never heard the term "if it aint broke, don't fix it" Now they are going to go broke. ( and probably blame it on the poor economy!)
  14. The tip of the iceberg... (surprised Egon and Rem didnt beat me to it... these dudes were on a MISSION state-wide in 1994!)
  15. Without paint, you have no pieces... The current discussion is about paint.
  16. Sentimentality and nostalgia has been all but lost with the new/current generation... I mentioned Jungle green, icy grape, and Spanish brown to someone recently and their response was "Are those new ironlak or montana colors?" uuugggggggghhhhhhhh
  17. Re: ---------------- The =Mr. TOTEM= TATS Cru - 3A - TGE - 7th thread ----------- 09'-til How many 3-D writers in this world have a hand like this??? Dim-mak... death touch
  18. When it comes to paint, if they don't have it, you don't need it...
  19. David Blaine's girlfriend at the park.
  20. When I put a fat cap on a can of black, and I make my first line on a giant chrome, I get really excited, even after all these years... Why should I though? its a can of paint and the label says "black". Now if dollar bills came shooting out of the can, I can see getting excited, But black paint? Why get excited? thats what a can of black paint is supposed to do... Now can you see why the kid was excited about watching his kite fly? Its because exciting activities never get old. *(and at least he wasnt at the park with his nose buried in a video game like so many little shitheads these days.)
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