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how the fuck people send me this shit


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  • 3 years later...
i just tried to open the link up, but i'm at work. as soon as i saw X-tube porn pop up, i knew i was in trouble. at least it didn't freeze up my computer like the last time. someone posted a link that had all these ads for shit on the side panels of the video. so i'm sitting at work with titties and "double anal" on my screen, while co-workers are walking by. i almost shit my pants, but that's nothing new. i drink too much coffee.


i will be watching this at home --do i need paper towels?



Thanks for the heads up...i would not be able to explain my way out of this one.

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fffffffound it...






the youtube one is sfw and shows the begining ,end and some middle parts












for real this had been bugging me everytime i saw a nsfw thread for the longest time.


next up is to find the gary coleman mop thread in the yard..

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  • 2 months later...



Nightdreams (Francis Delia, 1981)




Mrs. Van Houten: I know you're watching me. I can feel your eyes like fingers touching me in certain places. I can feel my pussy so open you can see inside me. I feel so juicy I can't stop. I feel my clit so wet and everyone can see. I feel so dirty. Like the time the TV face caught me and it was so mad and I couldn't stop rubbing my little pussy, my little pussy. I know you're watching me and I don't care.


The Story

A couple of bored workers in a futuristic sex clinic are monitoring the thoughts and fantasies of a severely repressed woman. They attempt to electronically stimulate her libido, resulting in a succession of eerie and bizarre erotic reveries.

In the first of the heroine’s fantasies she’s ogled by giant clown heads, one of which penetrates her with its penis-like nose. Following this is a more elaborate sexcapade involving lesbian cowgirls in a surreal western setting, and then the woman is ravished by Arabs in a harem. She also tries to seduce a robotic man, but upon unzipping his fly pulls out a dead human fetus.

A succeeding fantasy has the woman raped in a bathroom. Next she sucks off a guy encased in a giant cream of wheat box while another guy outfitted as a slice of bread plays a saxophone. She later wakes up in bed beside a large gasping fish, and eventually winds up in Hell.

The sex clinic workers become worried that they might have over-stimulated their subject as she retreats ever further from reality. They keep up the stimulation, however, as the woman undergoes a final orgasmic fantasy.







finally that shit was bugging me to no end to find out where the cream of wheat porn clip was from

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I went over to Harvey Wallbanger's house one night and he says "I got something you've got to see." His wife was sitting on the couch as he put in a DVD. Then he turned to me and said "We don't usually have people over and show them porn, but you've GOT to see this shit!" It was that scene from Night Dreams. He's got the whole movie.


At first I was like "Oh shit Glik$ started a thread." Then I was like "Good for him, he didn't."

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