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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming




Let's hear what TreSixO and hollerbackheartattack got?


You know what?


This is exactly like high school and I just figurted out which role you play -


Calling Geezpot, the bitch ass rich kid who wants to be "down" but is too much of a pussy, so he does ho shit like instigate and rile up petty shit from the back of the crowd like now, or says shit like "put up or shut up" to the drunk asshole, knowing damn well he isnt gonna post a pic of his wife (but he Geezpot never would eitheer - he was just quick =enough to throw the fake gauntlet), but you know what? Putting up wifes pics was your idea, so go ahead and put up or shut up so someone can MSPaint shit and giant penises all over her



get you some cleaner mah dood


yer spectacles are looking mighty dusty from over here

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


you dumb fuck.

I KNOW you would not say anything remotely close to that to DAO's face.

and since I'll be in New Orleans soon

we can find it if you want to say it to mine.

either way you're a fucking moron

and you fail at the internets.





cuz I'm a pathetic inter geek

that get's no play cuz a my pimpled ass


(seriously though kids, we'd wreck you, ask somebody.)

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


You're a tightpants faggot who's scared of the pussy.

Who the fuck are you to even attempt to slay anybody?

Go drink a frapachino with some lesbians, fagboy!




This room is full of people who think you are funny.




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