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Ash Wednesday How Many Of You Guys Actually Religous


How Many of You Guys on The oontz Religous  

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Call me crazy, but last year i was teaching kids and adults sunday school, three hours each sunday.


We covered alot of topics and tried to explain why religion exists and why there are more than one.


Roman Catholic was the first religion. Then people within that religion did not believe in some of the believes and ended up with their own religion. and other people made other religions and so on.


Religion is like politics where people choose what they want to be. Even though we might not all believe in the same thing, but as long as we believe in one thing...... that there is a GOD.

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Wow, T4M has a 7 year old's education about relgion.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and play Mr. elitist snob, because most Americans know dick all about actual religion (yes, even a lot of the "atheists" that see the flaws of Christianity and then automatically dismiss everything with no real thought). Being religious doesn't make you Christian like the OP would like to think (bullshit American mindset where "I'm relgious" = "I love Jesus"). There's hundreds of religions across this world, Christianity was not the first and will not be the last. Being Christian doesn't even necessarily mean you're relgious. There's plenty of kids out there who will identify as a Christian because their parents raised them like that, but couldn't name the simplest shit about what they believe (or what Christianity is about).


On the T4M thing, Roman Catholicism wasn't even the first version of Christianity. In the first 300 years before Constantine, Christianity was called "the Way". There were various small groups, most notably the Gnostics. After Constantine legalized Christianity (as before that, it was "illegal" according to Romans), there was a need to uniform it, hence Catholicism (which means universal). And religion doesn't even need a God. Many sects of Buddhism have no God, strictly a way out of suffering.


Honestly, did you ever hear of something called the Old Testament? Guess who wrote it. The Jews right? And were they around before your man Jesus? Oh hells yeah!

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