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look out! Fuckin satellites crashing to earth!!!!! i wonder if ill die?


WASHINGTON (Jan. 26) - A large U.S. spy satellite has lost power and could hit the Earth in late February or early March, government officials said Saturday.The satellite, which no longer can be controlled, could contain hazardous materials, and it is unknown where on the planet it might come down, they said. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the information is classified as secret. It was not clear how long ago the satellite lost power, or under what circumstances.


"Appropriate government agencies are monitoring the situation," said Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council, when asked about the situation after it was disclosed by other officials. "Numerous satellites over the years have come out of orbit and fallen harmlessly. We are looking at potential options to mitigate any possible damage this satellite may cause."


He would not comment on whether it is possible for the satellite to be shot down by a missile. He said it would be inappropriate to discuss any specifics at this time.

A senior government official said that lawmakers and other nations are being kept apprised of the situation.


The spacecraft contains hydrazine — which is rocket fuel — according to a government official who was not authorized to speak publicly but spoke on condition of anonymity. Hydrazine, a colorless liquid with an ammonia-like odor, is a toxic chemical and can cause harm to anyone who contacts it.


Such an uncontrolled re-entry could risk exposure of U.S. secrets, said John Pike, a defense and intelligence expert. Spy satellites typically are disposed of through a controlled re-entry into the ocean so that no one else can access the spacecraft, he said.


Pike also said it's not likely the threat from the satellite could be eliminated by shooting it down with a missile, because that would create debris that would then re-enter the atmosphere and burn up or hit the ground.


Pike, director of the defense research group GlobalSecurity.org, estimated that the spacecraft weighs about 20,000 pounds and is the size of a small bus. He said the satellite would create 10 times less debris than the Columbia space shuttle crash in 2003. Satellites have natural decay periods, and it's possible this one died as long as a year ago and is just now getting ready to re-enter the atmosphere, he said.


Jeffrey Richelson, a senior fellow with the National Security Archive, said the spacecraft likely is a photo reconnaissance satellite. Such eyes in the sky are used to gather visual information from space about adversarial governments and terror groups, including construction at suspected nuclear sites or militant training camps. The satellites also can be used to survey damage from hurricanes, fires and other natural disasters.


The largest uncontrolled re-entry by a NASA spacecraft was Skylab, the 78-ton abandoned space station that fell from orbit in 1979. Its debris dropped harmlessly into the Indian Ocean and across a remote section of western Australia.


In 2000, NASA engineers successfully directed a safe de-orbit of the 17-ton Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, using rockets aboard the satellite to bring it down in a remote part of the Pacific Ocean.


In 2002, officials believe debris from a 7,000-pound science satellite smacked into the Earth's atmosphere and rained down over the Persian Gulf, a few thousand miles from where they first predicted it would plummet.

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Guest shai_hulud

I can guarantee you two things, DAVAK-


1. You're definitely gonna die.


2. But not because a satellite hit you in the head.

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We better get china to shoot it down


How do you think it lost power anyway, i just had this conversation last night about this satellite probably being zapped by one of our enemies as an experiment if in war they would have the ability to drop all our satellites. How often dos a satellite just fall from the sky.


On a side note anyone read about that meteorite that was supposed to come close to us the 28th or some shit.

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T;6039623']How do you think it lost power anyway, i just had this conversation last night about this satellite probably being zapped by one of our enemies as an experiment if in war they would have the ability to drop all our satellites. How often dos a satellite just fall from the sky.


On a side note anyone read about that meteorite that was supposed to come close to us the 28th or some shit.



that's a good theory. I'm wondering the same thing. Let them take out the satellites, nah..on second thought I like my phone service, scratch that.

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Great.. Satellites, meteorites.. I'm gonna start taking bets.. What wipes us all out? Our own stupidity or something fucked up falling from the sky?


you forgot drug resistant virulent flus, various epidemics

and gay threads

those'll do you in real quick.

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Guest shai_hulud
because everyone dies you stupid fucking retard.


What he said.


I'm gonna throw this in because it makes me laugh-




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Guest shai_hulud

Then why would you make a thread titled "OH SNAP..WERE ALL GOING TO DIE!!"


It's more logical to say something like, "OH SNAP..YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!! LOL"

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