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laundry doer's... parents?


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Goo-gone should get rid of the grease but you're gonna want to test it first in an inconspicuous area. Some jackass left gum on a chair in one of my classes and i sat on it...goo-gone worked great.

The mud should wash right out.


After School Special - I used peroxide to get a blood-soaked white shirt back to its OG condition. Might bleach your denim though.

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spray n' wash usually works for me...


but then again i dont really have enough nice clothes to worry about them being stained, once new pants get paint or something on them i just put them in the "oh well i guess i got to get new pants" pile

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This reminds me that I have to do some laundry this weekend. I am a lazy fuck and every day I would rather wash an outfit before I go out instead of hauling all of the 3-foot high clothes that surround my room down to the basement. I seriously have about 5k worth of clothing on my floor. I have NOTHING clean. I had to wear a youngggg ass $10.00 polo shirt from like the year 2000 to work today.

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