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Odd Situations


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Not to be rude but I'm in and odd situation.


I am obscenely drunk and I've hafd to double check the spelling on this but I still reckon its sweet as cos I rule.


On to the topic, I'm reallly really drunk and at a friends apartment and am wondering wether or not to go to subway and get a six inch sub(wendys is closed) or get some free falafels from quakers/christians or just crash. Huse concert/festival on tomorrow. Its 4.09 in the morning here and people are comine round at eight getting off planes and whatnot. So pretty much I'll have to wake up early and greet these people and at some point get ticket of them for pre-said concert.


Soz for making a thread for myself on Channel Zero but I'm drunk and person I'm staying ats has woken up and is keen to spot some oil so I'm out. I'm down for more OONTZ but I'm keen to hear about any Odd Situations or Predicaments you've been in recently probably cos' I'm waaay past it.


I'll be on the oontz tonite.



Subway or free falafels.


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Whats so odd about being drunk and hungry?


I can't remember. I think I was relating to the fact that christians were giving out falafels on the street at four in the morning. My concep and intentions changed numerous times while creating the thread.

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thats not an odd situation, heres an odd situation.


getting slobbed up by a bitch who cant suck dick at all, and debating on whether you should give her another couple minutes to see if her skill improves or just take that shit out and wash it off in the sink and call it a night.

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