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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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Yesterday night I didn't sleep a wink and did some stuff before I decided I needed to go sleep at 9 AM.




Parked at a meter had to move




Went to the grocery store and got this stuff.




Went to go get ready to try and skateboard, took a picture to be cool.




Park parking lot is empty in the early morning




Took a picture of taggers tagged




Wrote that while thinking about Mac Dre




One other dude there, he looked weird didn't want to say what's up. I started to get a horrible stomach cramp, I assume from being so tired, I had to leave.




But not before having one, my friend found half a pack the night before and told me to close my eyes, then put it in my hand, it was a special moment because I was drunk and wanted some. I do see the sexual connotation of my words one could find.








After staying up all night and doing shit I felt this bus' destination spoke to me.



...took the scenic route home.




When I was younger I got pissed that I didn't have the opportunity to paint this wall, in retrospect, I'm glad because I was really bad.








Their morning my night.




For all you wannabes, Al Capone used to chill at the Green Mill.


Went home and layed down and fell asleep.

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Pool party with I:Cube...


Footwear for the day.


Eye wear for the day.. Not mine.


Custom Hotel.. It was 100+ in the valley. Here it was low 80s with a great breeze.


Party people.


Forgot to play Frogger.


I:Cube.. Dude was sick with the music and played perfect into the sunset.


Pervert shot.


More pervert shots..


Obviously these people were entertaining me.


Supplies in a friends room.


Almost time for me to leave and go to work. Drunk and on Xanax..


On the way to work..


Really good day.

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SD trip to see Manny and The Dodgers. 07/03/09


I am too lazy to upload. I lag. From July 3.





jump in the truck



5fwy south



traffic sucks bad. goodthing we left early.



old town san diego hand made cinnamon tortillas = awesome



parked the ride.



stopped off in little italy for a pizza. sucks it tasted like mall pizza. still ate it though



caught a pedicab to the game. dude spoke no english. armenian i think.



making sure i had tickets in hand.



made it to petco even after being pulled over in pedicab for homie swerving



representing LA ALL DAY!



it was 9 to 1 Dodger fan in the house. Mannywood south. dudes even sporting the Hershiser jersey.



it was Manny's first day back .



actually liked this pizza from oggis. since there were no Dodger Dogs.



fireworks night!



after the game Dodger fan reaching for something catchy.



looking for the onramp.


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Break fast



Ticket to Amtrack.

I had no atm card so my cousin bought my ticket.



We had time so we got starbucks coffee. The lady that worked there

pitched their meal thing. Coffee+crumble cake.



He got some nasty low carb whatever breakfast crap.



Train ride there. We serio talked about his new relationship and the book above:

A: I am gonna break up with Mica.

B: Why what happened?

A: He’s just too much. He’s this way and that constantly

all over the place and I think because he’s like 32 and looks

like he’s still in his twenties and he’s successful he always

has to prove some shit.

B: How does he do that?

A: He brags all the time and he uses people he has

dated that are attractive as some sort of validation.

B: To be honest I can’t see you with someone that’s

always on the move. You are kind of like a turtle.

A: (laughs) Bad example.

B: I mean that like slow pace. Your too laid back-too much

at times (A:laughs). Sometimes a person that is different than

you is good but a long with his ego…I agree with you.

I don’t know how it will work.

A: What I was really thinking about that annoys the shit

out of me is that those things I hate about him-and I am in no

way as bad about them-but I see those things in myself…a little bit.

I don’t want to be like that when I am 30. I don’t want cars and

boyfriends and trips to Italy to fucking validate who I am.

Shits fleeting s’all Im saying. Plus I remember him saying in the

beginning of our relationship how he deserved a mistress. At the

time I took it as a joke but now after really thinking about our relationship

that’s what I think I am. Ya know he’s well off but he don’t make that much damn money to afford me.

B: (laughs) You’re getting old.






This is kinda awkward looking but...the whole time we rode bart and there

was only one seat open he would let me sit down. I am the oldest out of

my siblings but I def consider all of my cousins from my intermediate family

brothers and sisters. To me my cousin is like the older brother I don’t technically have.

Which is why I make him travel with me. I am too chicken shit to go anywhere alone.



Arrive. While he looked up how to get to my Grandma's house on his phone



I fed the birds the rest of my crumble cake.



We decided to walk there. I forgot San Francisco has these stupid hills.



Arrive to house. Small talk.






Afterwards my cousin left us. I was scared for some reason

to be alone with my grandma...since I have only known

her for like two years I kept worrying about what the hell

we were going to talk about. You'd think that absence/time would

play on ones side for conversation



One thing my grandmother likes to do is talk about

my mother and all her shortcomings. I don’t know why she finds me

to be the best person to talk to about that crap...but she does:

A: I’ve decided she’s too toxic for me to be around.

All she ever talks about is herself, blames me for what happened

and then asks for money. She’s always been like that too.

When she was 16 we were going to move to Tahoe and she

pitched a fit. So I let her stay in Sacramento by herself.

She stole my car and wrecked it. When I confronted her all she did

was lie and tell me it was my fault because I moved.

That’s what she wanted though so I don’t understand how her stealing my car is

my fault.

B: Hm. No offense but…um you seem like a nervous

person-and that’s ok I am too. I just don’t see you uh…being

very happy in that type of situation where there is constant

confrontation. How did you handle it?

A: Oh I wasn’t. I was miserable. She was such a needy kid

and she was always lying about everything. I tried the best

I could to deal with it but I don’t know I honestly think there

is something mentally wrong with her.

B: Do you have any good memories with my mother.

A: What do you mean?

B: (confused-I don’t understand how someone cant

understand that question) Well…I’ll give you an example.

My father wasn’t always around ya know and it was hard but

I remember for a little while he had this apartment that I would

go to to visit with him. Down the street there was a park and my

dad would take me there. Once we went there and the whole park

was covered in trash. I says to him ‘hey lets pick all this up’ ya know

and he says ‘no no lets just go back home’ I was pretty adamant in

cleaning and I think he probably just wanted to sit back on the bench

while I played or something but after my second request he grumbled

and started to help me pick up trash. We cleaned that whole park and

I look back now at that situation as it being something that showed

how much my father cared about me.

A: Oh. That’s a nice memory.

B: Yes…do you have any memories like that with your daughter?

A: I can’t think of any…but I have pictures of her.

B: (internal sigh but optimistically said) Can I see them?

A: Sure.

From left to right- My grandma, my great great grandmother, my great aunt, and my mother.

It’s kind of weird seeing these pictures of people

that helped make me and not know anything about them

but I appreciated putting a face to the genealogy.




My great grandparents from my mother's side. My great grandmother's (Gigi)

family owned a lot of land in vegas at one time.

Her parents and my g.grandpa's came from

decent money so they set these two up and eventually Gigi

left the man above for a shady cars salesman that

was an ex con. After she left that man she was an alcoholic

for the rest of her life and remarried five times. My great-grandfather remarried

and lost contact with my grandmother after a couple of years.

I guess my grandma recently got his address and sent him a letter requesting a reunion.



My mother and hers



Before they divorced.



A: This is my favorite picture of them.

B: Whys that?

A: Because they look really happy together.


Chocolate uncle was my favorite part of this movie type thing.



We watched it happened in one night or whatever with Clark Gable.

My grandma was concerned I wasn’t going to like it since it was an

old movie and probably out dated. I liked how she would turn to

me and tell me stuff like ‘this scene was really racy when I was growing up.

It use to be improper for a man to undress in front of an unmarried woman…’ or

‘Look at how handsome Clark Gable was. He was the

most desired man of his time.’

The movie didn’t seem outdated to me.

Then sleep

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Woke up. She made me a cup of coffee



I don’t know why I see someone’s favorite song as a

doorway to their character but I do.

So I asked her what hers was. Its Leonard Cohens- Suzanne.

She’s not such a bad egg after all/ I am gonna go buy it on itunes soon.


She made me walk up this terrible fucking hill to get to bart.

All the way up she was like 15 steps ahead of me. I forget that

she's 65 cuz she's gotten all that plastic surgery done but she is and

she's in better shape than me.

I need to quit smoking.


Talk more about life growing up for her.



Me and my cousin were better at being on time

leaving than arriving. He helped this lady

figure out how to get to her destination.




Familiar place.



Back on Amtrack



Eat and talk about marriage. Wah wah wah.



Get home go to church and back to work. I fell asleep at work because

I didn’t take a nappers before hand.


These are my notes on the site. Nothing I guess was going

on. When I doodle for some reason I write down random

crap that I've heard throughout the day. It’s light weight humorous to me to

read what was written a couple weeks later.



Go home, sleep, wake up and have morning ciggy.

Dunhill is my safety brand/pack.

I keep it in my purse along with my American spirit menthols.

Just in case I feel like having a full flavor that day. It’s a solid cigarette but

not something I would smoke solely.



Pick up my sister and eat at the dealio Jimboys.



After meal cigarette. Since I have a camera attached to my

hip I am usually the one taking pictures of the family.

Whenever someone offers to take mine...I get a lil happy face.




We went to the park to swing on some swings.

She likes doing stuff like that. Her swing was really

low to the ground so she kept trying to throw it over the bar.


It was really difficult for her.


So she finally gave up. We went to go sit down for awhile and she talked to me about some truth

game she played with her friends:

B: What question did you ask?

A: Oh I asked ‘When was the first time you experienced or saw death’

B: (Laughs) Art fag.

A: Whatever. Megan actually said something really nice about her dog.


B: And that is?

A: Sorry. I was paying attention to those kids on the roof.

Anyways she said her first experience was when she lived in

Tahoe and something killed her dog. I asked her what she

remembered about that. And she said feeling sad and angry

that she didn’t take better care of her dog.

That maybe if she did it would still be alive.

B: What about you? Did you answer the question?

A: Oh yeah. But it’s kinda gay. I don’t want to talk about it.

B: Serious? Stop being lame.

A: I just remember walking to Oscars house and maybe

I was like hm…9 or something. There was this dead bird in

the gutter and I remember it was still alive because it’s

chest was moving really slowly. I thought about picking it up

but was scared because ya know grandma was always talking

bout birds carrying fucking diseases and shit.

So I just watched it for a bit. I eventually left the bird there because

I had to get to Oscars. On my way back home it was still there

in the gutter but it was dead now. I looked down at it and I

wanted to cry. I didn’t. (B:laughs-my sister tries to be a hard ass a lot)

But I wanted to. Just because ya know

I remember thinking that was it for the bird ya know.

After that last breath it was nothing but a body.

B: I thought you didn’t become an atheist until you were in middle school?

A: Mmm. Around that time. But even when I

believed in God I still thought about what if those

things promised don’t exist-

C: Hey. Can I have a cigarette? (kids from the roof came down and over to talk to us)

A: How old are you?

D: He’s 18.

A: You look like youre fucking 10 kid.

B: Don’t start smoking. I know it sounds

hypocritical but it’s a bad habit that you’re gonna regret eventually.

C: No I am not.

B: You’re too young to start smoking (kid was like 14 and that’s being generous.)

D: we’re older than you.

A: Shit. Maybe put together.

My sister’s 16 and she smokes. I found it funny that

she got in a huffy about some young kid asking her for smokes.

She’s the person who at 15 walked to the corner store and

would play hey mister and got to know the local homeless

so they could buy her cigarettes.

She's more of a hypocrite than me and I dont think that's a bad thing.



She likes lifetime movies.



Had a smoke with my ma and talked about my visit.

She didn’t have any on her so she bummed one from me.

I started out that conversation having a full pack.

I left with only 6.



Back to work.

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