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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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Late turkey day post...


Spent the night at my mom's.

My brother and her already made this.



Wake up to chaos.



Couldnt find the coffee pot



A: Why don't you boil it?

B: I am grandpa.

A: That's we use to do out there in the ranch.

Use to heat us up a pot of coffee the good ol fashion way and yeee

you could taste it that way because...



My brother ended up finding it for me.



So far so good.





Had coffee with my mom. My sister sang us soft shock.

(In case you're interested in teenage musical taste-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68v9kQLM8dY)

Usually she's a big ol scared cat when it comes

to singing in front of people. I guess she got over it:

B: Sing another one!

E: That was good jessica.

C: Thanks.

F: What else do you know.

C: Well I know parts of tea for the tillerman.

Dad use to sing it with me. (Sings) But man.

I was looking it up…and I think he made parts

of it up or something. Cuz he starts screaming

TEA FOR THE TILLERMAN (!!!) just randomly and

it isn't in the song anywhere.

E: He probably did. I remember when Banana was

little and he'd start playing his gee-tar and he'd sit

Banana down-you musta been no bigger than two-saying

to her 'sing mi hita'. And EEE Banana you'd get so

excited 'Mary had a little lamb'. Your mother would

sit across the room her hands folded against

her chest (folds hands and frowns) 'Dean!!!

Why aren't you talking to me!! DEEAN.' I'd say to

her 'Rachel why don't you join them. They're having

a nice time the two of them. It might be nice if you

joined them.' 'No' she says 'Why would I want to do

something childish like that.' Then she'd holler

more' DEEEAN.' (laughs) Guess you cant make

everyone happy… but you use to like for people to sing to you."



Then she showed me her favorite covers.



Once more.



My grandpa looked for his glasses.



Dad called.



Headed to the grocery store.



But the line was so long so we left



and went here instead.



Decided to grill asparagus. My brother helped me set up the grill.





Professional lounger.



For my salad



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Queen of lady drinks.



He came over.



And the drinking ensued:

B: I think this is gonna be your new job for now on.

D: What?

B: Bringing the booze.

D: It is what I do best.

E: Why dont you clean my damn kitchen.

D: So this wine is suppose to go with dessert and-





Brother joined the military:

D: So when do you head out?

F: I dont know. I passed all my tests.

They said maybe two months.

D: You know that um...you’re not gonna be able

well...they have the don't ask don't tell thing right?

F: Yeah I know that. I am not worried about it.

E: He's gonna be all right. You want to know why I know that.

D: Why

E: I know that because everything he set

himself out ta do he done it.

N' he done it all by himself. When I kicked him

out and set him up at your place he had to

go to summer school. I figured he wouldn't follow

through with it ya know cuz he had to take the bus

himself and all that. But he did.

When he graduated high school.

I didn't do anything for him then. He

made sure himself that he turned his papers in, got his gown.

And him moving out. Granted he did it pretty nasty but he

made damn sure that he stayed out of my house and

could do it on his own.

Yup. You aint gotta worry about moses.

Cuz when he makes up his mind he's gonna do something he

does it. It might be by the skin of his teeth. But he does it.





Cheesy mandatory what are you grateful for speech:





B: How did you start collecting spoons?

E: Well it started when Jessica was born.

I started taking her on trips with me and I figured

everyplace I took her to I'd pick up a spoon.

Over the years people have just bought them for me.

Cuz I guess they think I like them or something.

So that's how I got so many. But originally I started

gettin’ them for jessica.

C: So they’re mine. When you guys pass I want the spoons

and the rug.

B: Oh brother.

C: That is one bad ass rug. You cant have it banana you can

have the clock.

E: That clock was the first thing I bought in Sacramento-

A: I made that rug. With my own two hands. In one whole winter.

I'd get offa work and just sit at the couch weaving it.

Just like this (loops hands).

B: That musta been one helluva winter for grandma.

E: I bout him the kit to make it. It was pretty expensive.

60.70 dollars.

D: That was alot of money back then.

E: Well yeah. I was only making a measly 3 dollars an hour.

And when he finished that rug there wasnt one string left.

B: What if he lost some though?

E: Too damn bad I guess. They only gave you

enough string to make the one rug.







Wash dishes:

E: Ya know they use ta tell my mom 'do'ya gotta use

every damn dish in the whole house' when she would cook.

B: Did you ever tell her that?

E: Oh yeah of course I did. Cuz I was the one cleaning them.

B: Do you gotta use every damn dish in the house to cook one meal?

E: Why do I care if I do or not. I gotta dishwasher.



Watch t.v with my gramps.



Got ready to eat pie






Dude came over:

C: Didnt you eat at your parent's house.

G: Yeah. But I am still hungry.



Get money out to play poker.

My family does that every holiday after we had our meal/cigarette, and cleaned up.

When I was little the adults would always shoo you away and it was

a big privilege if they asked you to play with them.

Since it was only us my Ma was kinda forced to allow us.

She complained the whole time that she was playing with

no good rookies. She was right. Not one of us

knew what we were doing.





Follow the lady

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This is our intern at our job. She came from indonesia to

go to college. After she got her degree she entered into

the Jesuit volunteer program. They set all these

young educated peoplein houses in the ghetto and

make them work for salvation army, mustard seed, etc

and give them 75 dollars a month. I like her.

She's methodical, precise, researches most everything,

and always can give you an answer on

how things work. Poker confused the hell out of her.

E: Put your money in Vicci.

H; I am so confused Maddie. I do not know if

I am to bet this hand because...

E: Well what the hell do ya got.

H: I dont know.

E: Let me see. (Looks at hand)

Put a quarter in.

H: I should put a quarter in? How is-

E: Just put your quarter in. Dont ask no questions.

H: Ok...

She ended up having a royal flush.





My sister needed help.



G: (shuffles cards) We're gonna play regular poker. One eyed jacks are wild.

E: (Raises eyebrow) One eyed jacks?

G: Yup.

B: (gets cards becomes confused) So um this one eyed jack thing

thats just a fancy way of saying jacks are wild right?

G: No. It's a one eyed jack.

B: Right. I gather that. Do all the jacks have one eye? I never noticed.

G: No only the one eyed ones have the one eye. That's why theyre called

one eyed jacks.


E: You got one?

F: Yeah way to go.

B: No I didnt say I got one. I just never noticed it that's all.

E: So what do you bet then.

B: Well wait a minute. So the eye on the bottom doesn’t count then right?

E: eee your blonder than blonde kid.

G: Yes it does. In total it has two eyes. The whole card.

Not four. Profile view.

B: Ohhhh. I get it. Ok. Well then I bet 25 cents then.


One intermediate phalange bandit.



She won all our money.



Cousin came back after work:

E: Why dont you go get me a pack of cigarettes mi hito.

D: Sure.

E: I can see you in the window cabron.



E: I use-ta play poker all the time. My mother and father would

play and their parents too, so I learned real little. Hell, I think

my great great grandfather was a professional and a bootlegger at that.

H: So your family played this game a long time.

E: Well. It's kinda a tradition. Me and my siblings started to play to pass time.

we all liked the game anyways. My brother is fun to play with cuz he gets

all excited over a pair of twos. Starts hollering and throws in all his money.

By the end of the night he probably has gone into his

wallet bout three or four times. My sister is a cheapo and

throughout the whole damn game all you hear her say is

'A quarter??!!! Do ya’ have to bet so high?' she eventually

throws it in and we keep her happy by letting her win a couple

games. My daughters started playing when they had kids.

Just something we do to pass time.

H: My family I don’t think we have any traditions anymore.

When we were little yes. But now that we are older the only thing

I think is the cousins get together and sit on the couch hanging out.

E: Well now you can go back home and teach them poker.



Went home.

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day after thanksgiving.


wake up. oz among other stuff



set up tethering for iPhone



Follow wife to mechanics to fix her car.



shitload of prius in huntington beach and surrounding communities in south oc



went shopping and then eat at johnny rockets /nh the name and the dog.



cheeseburger on sourdough



went here



nephew getting platelets again in the ER though



spent like 600 and something dollars shopping at REI for the wife and i. we bought our own gifts.



cue the waitresses - christmas wrapping



god daughters gifts.



get 'em started early.



about to oz again.




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