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narcotics anonymous...

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for real. One of my best bombing partners and one of the closest friends I ever had OD'd and died. Definitely get out while you still have time to actually live your life. It's sad when someone dies at 25 like that. Learn from others mistakes.


TEAZ fnf-blt-sa-iw-dks-nvs.

we miss you, dog.

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mr. maker = no drug taker oner..(except beer)


i used to smoke pot all day every day for about 10 years.

i used acid and mushrooms all the time and then started

doing cocaine..


i'm telling you i felt like a new person when i stopped fucking

around with all that bullshit..so much more appreciative of

life and the people around me...we got one life to live and

i want to remember every bit of it and strive to provide the

best future for my family i can.

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for real. One of my best bombing partners and one of the closest friends I ever had OD'd and died. Definitely get out while you still have time to actually live your life. It's sad when someone dies at 25 like that. Learn from others mistakes.


TEAZ fnf-blt-sa-iw-dks-nvs.

we miss you, dog.


so true and over here in boston we have an epidemic like lots of other places weve become awashed in heroin use due to all the oxycontin and opiod pill abuse eventully one cannot support them selves on the pills ne more its NEVER EVER EVER ENOUGH so heroin being cheaper high and more potent high but deadly high so peole use that due to those reasons its sad al my family is hooked on either a benzo (xanax,klonopin,ativan) and mostly opiates i used since i was 12 started with pot then 15 i used cocaine,mushrooms,percocets,

oxycontin,vicodins by 18 i was taking either oxycontin,morphine,diluaid or heroin (sniffing)

i used over 250mgs EVERYDAY also prescribed xanax and klonopin for anixety severe so i was always speedballin that at the midst of my addiction and was smoking pot all the time also using e,cocaine,molly,shrooms once a week id use one of em i finally had to quit and it was hard i got on the very EXPENSIVE suboxone program its kinda like methadone but much more serious it really does its job and you cant get a high off it eventully like into a month the feeling goes away it feels like just a vitamin after but that is what you want not having to feel that feeling this is more a normal pill ive been on mmt. didnt help (methadone maintence) cuz of the benzo combo with those 2 had me nodding all day getting nothing done,,,then i found suboxone (buprenorphine) wich now i relasped and quit im using my prescriction of the pain killer diluaid (hydromorphone) its wicked strong its similar to morphine in effects and i think its mire potent but i only use 16 mgs a day and 8mgs klonopin 2mg xanax for sleep and yeah but i think addiction is finally hittting the home front and if you are using going to this meeting could save youre life get on treatment cuz life is fuckin short i dont use anhything illegal nemore i rarely do, i dont get high on these pills nemore i have legit pain so yeah but more power to you and REST IN POWER teaze gone but NEVER forgotten

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I never really was one to do meth.

But I did once.

For a few weeks.

I got it in my head that I was going to be the next big thing.

In underground hip hop.

So I started writing rhymes in a book.

There were lines crossed out and arrows and words on top of words.

It didn't make sense.

But was easier to read than a paragraph post with no punctuation.

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i ad a tread bout dis not too long ago...

i applaud your desire to quit using. i did so myself too (kind of) once upon a time, but needed

to go to a treatment facility. now im several tousand miles away from ome (midwest) and life is great.

keep it up and pm me if your ever interested in talking of watever the shit.

my thread got clowned in a bit much for my liking but its pretty much expected here... link links you to it for any further reading desired.




once again, congrats

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i ad a tread bout dis not too long ago...

i applaud your desire to quit using. i did so myself too (kind of) once upon a time, but needed

to go to a treatment facility. now im several tousand miles away from ome (midwest) and life is great.

keep it up and pm me if your ever interested in talking of watever the shit.

my thread got clowned in a bit much for my liking but its pretty much expected here... link links you to it for any further reading desired.




once again, congrats


Good for you man...Im sure that there are more of us lurking and not posting. I thought about making a recovery thread...but always backed down because of the reaction it would get. But yea..its good to know that there are others in the same boat.

PM me if you want.

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On November 8, 2006, the Associated Press reported that Narconon(narcotics anonymous) was one of the Scientology entities who would pay back 3.5 million dollars of illegal funds from EarthLink co founder Reed Slatkin:

"Slatkin, who was once an ordained Scientology minister, paid $1.7 million from his scheme directly to Scientology groups, while millions of dollars more were funneled through other investors to groups affiliated with the church, bankruptcy trustee R. Todd Neilson said in court filings. Among the church groups to receive ill-gotten gains from Slatkin's scheme were Narconon|Narconon International, the Church of Scientology Celbrity Center International and the Church of Scientology Western United States, the filings said. The $3.5 million being returned by the church groups was the result of a negotiated compromise, Scientology attorney David Schindler and Alexander Pilmer, an attorney for Neilson, said."

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whatever this is a forum kheds fuck grammer skills as long as you can understand what i write and you write what is the big deal ??? i mean c'mon wtf you expect this is a graffiti forum not a grammer forum and as long like i said you can understand it and im not typing a bunch of nonsense while what i dont consitder nonsense i dont know what you consitder nonsense

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I never really was one to do meth.

But I did once.

For a few weeks.

I got it in my head that I was going to be the next big thing.

In underground hip hop.

So I started writing rhymes in a book.

There were lines crossed out and arrows and words on top of words.

It didn't make sense.

But was easier to read than a paragraph post with no punctuation.


i remember the first time we did meth we started writing raps and thinkin we were the new best thing.

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