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  • Replies 64
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how come on the cover of men's magazines, there's scantily clad women.


and on the cover of women's magazines, there's... scantily clad women.



and since when did being pregnant become considered sexy. listen to my man bill maher: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z8j4QJ0oiY



I just gave you props for that link and in doing so you went to two of those gay bars under your name...congrats!

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Guest shai_hulud

I wouldn't kick her out of bed. I have no idea who she is, or what she's done. I've seen and heard her name a lot. Not that it matters or anything.


I don't really pay attention to pop culture. Come to think of it, I don't follow anything that goes on in the media anymore. The last new movie I saw was the Simpsons movie (I didn't pay). I haven't bought a CD in years. I mostly watch old cartoons and science shows on ITV.


Yep, I'm a curmudgeon. And proud of it.

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Pregnant girls appeal to some of the most basic human instincts. No matter what other feelings have been attached to sex through thousands of years of celebration, repression, liberation, and exploitation, it all comes down to the natural instinct to want to procreate. There are forces well beyond the reach of reason and logic that make fertile people appealing and desirable to the opposite sex.



Also, Bill Maher is 3 feet tall.



I always love the rare occasion when a boy has something decent to say.



Oh, and Bill Maher is a fuckin' BOSS.


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