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toe cutter.


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Drugs are wack, son.


Except weed.

Weed is totally awesome, dude.



Say there was a video game where you can play a guitar and shred.

Without having to know how to actually play a guitar.

And say this video game allowed you to name your fictional band.

I would totally name my band Toe Cutter.

My band would destroy all other fictional bands.

Just saying.

If this could happen, this is what I would do.

I don't know if a thing like this exists in real life, but if it did, it would be totally sweet, dude.

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Guest shai_hulud

A long time ago, I got this phone call at work from someone named "Billy". He sounded like he was maybe 11 or 12, and said that we had skated together and he wanted to know if we could hang out later that night. I was 21 at the time, and a raging alcoholic and dope fiend...all I ever lived for was to get off my shitty Safeway job so I could drink 40s and skate till 3 or 4 AM. So, I told him, naaah, some other time. I don't even know who you are, maybe this weekend I'll be at the park or something...but he was really persistent, and finally I just hung up on him.


He called the store back about five times during that shift. When I got off, I was looking for some little kid or a midget to pop out of a bush or something. I skated to my friend's house, and met up with some friends...they asked me If I knew some kid named Billy who had been looking for me at the park. I said, "No, but that dude blew up the phone at work today...he wanted to go skate tonight, but-" I took a hit off a blunt and washed it down with Mickey's- "-I told him I had things to do," as lines of yay went around and helped myself.


"Shit, he sounded young...what did he look like?"


"Uhhh...I don't know, he was some kid...", and went on to describe someone who sounded like about twenty other kids I saw all the time.


Then, the phone rang...my friend got it, and said, "Here, it's for you."


Yup, it was Billy, and he sounded a little worked up...squeaky and kind of shaky sounding, like he was on a bad one and I was the reason why.


"What are you doing? I thought you said you had things to do, you lied to me. I'm gonna come over there and make you go skate with me RIGHT NOW!!! DON'T BRING OUT THE SATAN IN ME!!!"


"Dude, it's one in the morning and I'm drunk. I don't know you, so don't try to come over or call here. You blew it, you're a fucking weirdo and I-" Click.


I was pretty keyed up, thanks to...everything. At this point, I was having visions of something like Chucky on a skateboard fucking with me, and I said, "Fuck it, I'm going home...if he shows up here tell him I moved or something..."


BAM! BAM! BAM! It sounded like someone was kicking the front door HARD. I grabbed my board and said, "If it's him, it's cool. I'm pretty sure I can take him, as long as he's not strapped," and opened the door.


My friend Chris was standing there, and I was all hyped up..."Hey, what's up...I'm about to cut out, I'm a little shook, and walked out past him...then, I heard Chris say- AS BILLY- "Are you sure we can't skate tonight?"


The jig was up. I got roasted and everybody was laughing at me, clowning...."Aww, son, we got you, we GOT YOU!!!!" And, they did. Played me like a fiddle.


That was one of the illest pranks I ever had played on me.


Anyway, this Toe Cutter character reminds me of Billy. He's a little too weird to be for real...and if he's for real, that's something else.


BTW, I don't think it's EBP. Just a hunch.

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