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man talk

Toe Cutter

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Guest shai_hulud
You learn not to expect anything from anyone, and they wont disappoint you. That is when you learn that it is only what you do for others that can make you happy.


Thats real talk. This, is man talk:


I named my penis "The Mighty Abraham" aka "Mr. Winkerman".


I agree. I don't expect much from people. I just try to be as nice as I can, in hopes that it makes a the world a better place.


However, judging by the way things have been going in the world lately, I'm either way off track or I need to step up my game.


I've never named my penis, though. I always thought that was kind of a strange thing to do.

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I agree. I don't expect much from people. I just try to be as nice as I can, in hopes that it makes a the world a better place.


However, judging by the way things have been going in the world lately, I'm either way off track or I need to step up my game.


I've never named my penis, though. I always thought that was kind of a strange thing to do.


Honestly, I dont think being nice is the answer. In fact, I'm not considered nice by anyone. But hopefully, I'm considered honest. I think the way to make a difference is to help someone, or educate them in some way. Especially kids. They want to learn, and it isnt to late for them like it is for most adults. Young writers are great, they have heart, if nothing else. Sometimes they just need guidance. I know I did, i just found the wrong kind of guidance, I learned though, and survived by the skin of my teeth. Now I help kids, when I can. (I volunteer help teaching a kids Kung Fu class, fun as hell).


Now, for the man talk:


Your penis will find its own name.


(And naming someone elses penis doesnt count as MAN TALK, BF. Though maybe you could serve a purpose, as a GIRL... and name Shai Huluds weener.)

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Guest shai_hulud

There will be NO naming of my penis, thank you.


I agree. I think it's important to try to bring up kids the right way. I sure don't plan on having any myself, though.


I've actually tried to talk a few kids out of writing graff recently. More accurately, I tried to warn them that there's a lot of opportunities to make bad choices in the graff scene. I see kids who are really talented who could do something awesome with their ability, but they just want to smoke blunts and practice hands all day...I don't feel it's their creativity I'm trying to discourage. I just want them to be aware that they are making a decision to be an outlaw, and that decision comes with a lot of baggage they may regret someday.


There was one kid who I met this summer, who was already balls-deep in the game...I think he might have been 16 or so. He was already doing blow and chugging whiskey, and had been caught a couple of times...and he really thought that those were things that made him cool. He was a decent guy, but I had to let him know that I didn't want to talk about graff or any of the negative shit he was into, unless he could find a balance in his life to where he wouldn't be a total fuckup. Fucking up is okay, it's part of life...but it's a shitty lifestyle.


I haven't talked to him recently. I hope he's going to school and dealing with his legal beef...I felt like an asshole when I said what I said, but I hope it made him think about what he was doing and why he was doing it.

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I see kids now doing graff, getting busted and catching serious cases. When I was 16 I went to juvie for tagging, though this was unheard of at the time. Now it is common. When I was young, I had nothing else but graffiti, and had already long been doing crime. Now that I'm older, I find it difficult to justify the tagging I did, but I am proud of the art i created. When I talk to young writers, i try to give them a heads-up on things they can be doing with their talent, though it's not an easy route, making a living doing what you love is one of the best, following having kids. But you know how young writers can be, knuckle-heads...


man talk.

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k guys, so i didnt know where alse to post this. i figuired it would be safest in here seeing as most girls dont venture in here.


k so for the people that remember, the other day blood fart was mentioning a story in which vaj was attempting to take off bloodfarts brah. blood fart was ''suposedly'' too drunk to do it herself. anyways this is what vaj said in my pm, pretty uneventfull but i felt it my duty to get back to you guys with my promised results.




Originally Posted by Toe Cutter


hey whats up.


so hey blood fart wanted me to ask about her pants and bra cuz that one night i guess she got really drunk and forgot happened and everything. she doesnt know where her pants or bra went and what exactly happebed and why u were touching her and just what happened cuz she doesnt remember.


so just write me back and ill tell her shes to emberesed to ask you so dont mention this to her.


alright thanks.... later


(now vaj's response below, very fishy....)


hahah what the fuck dude? I've never even met her before.

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toe cutter, bras are so hard to get off,

it will take like 5 mins for a girl to undo it herself

easiest way to get one off, is to heat up the back

of it with a lighter. then it will come off in like 30 secs


dude, are you kidding me?


how the hell are you suposed to do that in the dark without her noticing or getting lit on fire lol


k pretty sure ur joking cuz that completely retarted

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