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tell me something embarrasing about yourself

Spruce Lee

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I shave/pluck my eye brow to prevent a uni-brow, but i am not embarrassed. Id be embarrassed to walk around with a uni-brow.


Same here, only I'm embarrassed



Also, I have a mole that I have to shave twice a day, or it gross hairs on it.


Not like some people moles though, mines kinda normal

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After after my cousin's wedding I blacked out, fell down some stairs and passed out in the stairwell of the hotel. I was woke up and brought to my room by a friend of the bride who sat at my table at dinner (and who was pretty fucking hot). Never heard the end of it from that whole side of the family ever again...even though it was like 3am, someone snitched and everyone found out.


This kind of behavior isn't too out of the norm for me with friends...but never with family.



man, I was having a really bad day before I spent 30 minutes or so reading this thread. Now I'm in a great mood.

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in 5th grade i got a terrible stomache ache and sprinted to the bathroom. Before my ass could touch the seat, i shat everywhere. On the stall, the floor, the toilet, myself, everywhere. I was way too disgusted to clean it up so i just left and went back to the class room. five minutes later the teacher came in and asked if anyone had an 'accident' in th ebathroom. nevertheless someone saw my shit covered pants and told the teacher. everyone in the class was staring at me as i left the classroom leaving a trail of shit on the floor. to make it worse i had to wear some tinkerbell sweatpants from the lost and found for the rest of my day (no homo to infinity)

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in 5th grade i got a terrible stomache ache and sprinted to the bathroom. Before my ass could touch the seat, i shat everywhere. On the stall, the floor, the toilet, myself, everywhere. I was way too disgusted to clean it up so i just left and went back to the class room. five minutes later the teacher came in and asked if anyone had an 'accident' in th ebathroom. nevertheless someone saw my shit covered pants and told the teacher. everyone in the class was staring at me as i left the classroom leaving a trail of shit on the floor. to make it worse i had to wear some tinkerbell sweatpants from the lost and found for the rest of my day (no homo to infinity)


i did the same thing in the first grade

so i just threw my underwear in the trash and told no one

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6 grade i had the worse teacher in my school

meanest bitch there was, i had to reallyy pee

like i have never felt before. i was staying extra time

for something extra lessons, she wouldnt let me go pee

so 10 mins into this extra time, we're sitting on the floor

reading, so i just pee my pants while sitting indian style

tell the teacher there is water on floor, she whips it up

i cover my wet ass with my jacket when dip 20 mins later

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I was at some college debate and then i got kinda rowdy and the police try to kick me out and i resisted so they dropped me then one dude was gonna tase me and i yelled at him " DONT TASE ME BRO DON'T TASE ME!" then i was tased and no i am the famouse "DONT TASE ME BRO" guy on the internet.





maybe its cuzz im buzzed but after watching this, then this..



i couldnt help but laugh

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I'm sitting here trying to think and other than that couch shit I made up, I can't think of any times when I was embarassed.


I guess when I crashed my old car into a tree was a little embarassing.

And I used to feel real embarassed when I would wear one t-shirt and my sweat would make like 16 inch radius sweat stains. Especially when I was with this girl I had only kicked it with like three times.


I started that whole wearing two t-shirts thing to combat sweat stains. Now that shit is everywhere like a fashion statement. I enjoy it because people stopped asking why I'm rocking 2 tees years ago.



I even got prescription shit to dry out your pores so you don't sweat. Still didn't work. Fucking hormones. I'm 20 now, and it has stopped a little but I still sweat my cock off.

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I guess when I crashed my old car into a tree was a little embarassing.

And I used to feel real embarassed when I would wear one t-shirt and my sweat would make like 16 inch radius sweat stains. Especially when I was with this girl I had only kicked it with like three times.


I started that whole wearing two t-shirts thing to combat sweat stains. Now that shit is everywhere like a fashion statement. I enjoy it because people stopped asking why I'm rocking 2 tees years ago.


slightly embarrasing

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I'm sitting here trying to think and other than that couch shit I made up, I can't think of any times when I was embarassed.


I guess when I crashed my old car into a tree was a little embarassing.

And I used to feel real embarassed when I would wear one t-shirt and my sweat would make like 16 inch radius sweat stains. Especially when I was with this girl I had only kicked it with like three times.


I started that whole wearing two t-shirts thing to combat sweat stains. Now that shit is everywhere like a fashion statement. I enjoy it because people stopped asking why I'm rocking 2 tees years ago.



I even got prescription shit to dry out your pores so you don't sweat. Still didn't work. Fucking hormones. I'm 20 now, and it has stopped a little but I still sweat my cock off.


ever notice how bad the sweating looked when you were wearing a grey shirt?

man i used to want to crawl up into a ball and die when that happened

so i would make sure i was always wear two shirts

and i would also bring a coat or a sweater just in case it got really bad

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in 5th grade i got a terrible stomache ache and sprinted to the bathroom. Before my ass could touch the seat, i shat everywhere. On the stall, the floor, the toilet, myself, everywhere. I was way too disgusted to clean it up so i just left and went back to the class room. five minutes later the teacher came in and asked if anyone had an 'accident' in th ebathroom. nevertheless someone saw my shit covered pants and told the teacher. everyone in the class was staring at me as i left the classroom leaving a trail of shit on the floor. to make it worse i had to wear some tinkerbell sweatpants from the lost and found for the rest of my day (no homo to infinity)




You didn't even try to clean yourself???


I woulda used as much toilet paper and water as needed to clean my ass and pants or whatever and just bounced and went home without saying a word.


That's fucking rank. Did the kids call you "Sprucy poopypants" after that?

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6 grade i had the worse teacher in my school

meanest bitch there was, i had to reallyy pee

like i have never felt before. i was staying extra time

for something extra lessons, she wouldnt let me go pee

so 10 mins into this extra time, we're sitting on the floor

reading, so i just pee my pants while sitting indian style

tell the teacher there is water on floor, she whips it up

i cover my wet ass with my jacket when dip 20 mins later



One kid shits himself then goes back to class, another kid pisses his pants just cause the teacher told him he couldn't use the restroom... wtf??? It must be a generation thing.

When I was in 5th or 6th grade we were at least old enough to know it's not a good idea to go back to class amongst your peers with shit in your pants. We were also old enough that if we really had to piss we woulda just told the teacher to fuck off and went to the bathroom anyways.

I mean, I could see maybe the special-ed kids doing some dumb shit like that... you guys weren't in the retard classes were yous?

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You didn't even try to clean yourself???


I woulda used as much toilet paper and water as needed to clean my ass and pants or whatever and just bounced and went home without saying a word.


That's fucking rank. Did the kids call you "Sprucy poopypants" after that?


HAHAHHAHAHAAAHAH, fuck me that was funny.





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