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House of Leaves appreciation thread.

King Of Hell

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I highly recomend it, but dudes. Let me set forth the warning. Don't read it cynically. Read it with an open mind, and with compassion (ll) for the people in the book. Otherwise, you won't be able to grasp the horror.



you're asking people to read AND have an imagination. now you're asking for too much. :D

sounds like an interesting read. i wonder if my local library carries it.

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i had intentions of buying this for a read not too long ago, considering i found myself with alot of free time gone to waste... i needed a book and a friend who was reading it at the time mentioned it to me.


i think i will quit fucking around and go scoop this up.


he had a blue version though where certain words were colored/lined. i'm assuming the other versions are just a matter of preference. any who, the book seems intriguing as fuck.

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i just commented on this in the tattoo thread.


this book is scary. i was reading it in july, and getting chlls. especially when johnny truant was all. "today is july 4th and blah blah etc" and it totally fucking WAS july 4th. haha. spooky city.


but seriously, really fucking awesome. i heard that his newest book really sucks though. sophomore slump and all that.

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Ok so i got this shit yesterday and started the Journey it seems chill , but tonight my second night i have been reading it with my ipod on listening to shuffled songs i downloaded tonight and havnt even heard yet. Some rap but also some weird shit like aphex twin and other experimental shit. Im not sure if the book is tripping me out yet or the fact that listening to ipod and not being able to hear anything going on in around me due to headphones with songs that make me feel like i'm in a soundtrack to the movie. If Otis redding and radiio head werent involved in the shuffle it might be a bit more intense. I think i will make sure to add a playlist of different music as it gets more intense.


I live alone my mom is visiting me for holidays and its me and her in a 3000+ sqft house thats is mostly empty rooms on top of a small hill. So not sure im just paranoid as the heater kicks cause its on auto and the air caused doors to shut while im reading. I think im gonna stop for the night just when the book was starting to make me read on.

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Alright so i started reading the book because of this thread

about uh 3days ago, i haven't read a book in about a year


anyway so far i'm still reading it so that's a good sign


Some parts have pissed me off real good and I just started skipping pages on some omg whyyyy shit

I may be to much of a skeptic/cynic for it all

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Pretty good, not earth shattering - Its a bummer that a lot of the 'codes' and shit are rather pointless to the overall story ie: Authors name, a very long list etc... There were some times where I felt a strange sensation reading about the house, esp Navidson's last journey. Read it in about 3 days - too fast perhaps? maybe I should have dedicated more time to it. Good read none the less - I really enjoyed the fact that it was just fucking different.

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2 questions...



Am I missing much if I skip the page long footnotes Johnny Truant gives? He goes off on these weird tangents and half the time I don't know what he's talking about.


From what I've read on here people say it changes you or scares the living shit out of you, but in what way? I'd rather not be paranoid, looking behind my back, and losing sleep come Christmas.

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2 questions...



Am I missing much if I skip the page long footnotes Johnny Truant gives? He goes off on these weird tangents and half the time I don't know what he's talking about.


From what I've read on here people say it changes you or scares the living shit out of you, but in what way? I'd rather not be paranoid, looking behind my back, and losing sleep come Christmas.


No, it's not nearly as bad as some people are saying, unless you have the rare ability of truly caring about the people in the story. It's just an interesting/entertaining book.

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