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old age


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I went to a Chiropractor recently.

I went for some lower back pain that turned out was cause my hip went crooked. Snaped it back in place and I felt 19 again.

I fully recomend it. Especially cause you skate and that shit puts alot of wear and tear on your body over the years.

It's alot cheaper than you would expect too. My Chiropractor was $60.


Won't do shit for your knee though.

But this shit works wonders for that type of shit...





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Your forgetting all the good stuff that comes with age.


I been with the same girl for a while, got hitched a couple of years ago=

No more putting up with he said, she said young hoes for penis ornaments.


I been in my career for a while now=

Got the money right and the bad credit faded, just got the plat amex last year


Still young enough to beat that ass, paid enough to make that bail and get them charges dropped, wise enough not to need to do any of that shit anymore.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
my knee, hip joint and lower back are fuckin sore for no reason i can think of other than the fact that i'm getting older. i'm going to drink the pain away while rental sings karaoke. it's our anniversary tomorrow. here's to milestones and gallstones



You aint that old son,


live it up.

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I went to a Chiropractor recently.

I went for some lower back pain that turned out was cause my hip went crooked. Snaped it back in place and I felt 19 again.

I fully recomend it. Especially cause you skate and that shit puts alot of wear and tear on your body over the years.

It's alot cheaper than you would expect too. My Chiropractor was $60.


i might go see one. i've got health insurance so it'll be really cheap.



my hangover isn't very bad today, but the knee/hip/back thing is worse than yesterday

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I am not old by any means, but I have noticed this same process.



After years of playing sports, now I am finally starting to incur injuries that don't heal quick.



Getting old scares the shit out of me. The concept of lack of physical faculty is no bueno in my book.


I think thats why the drinkin age is 21. As you get to that point and start feeling the actual effects of age (in whatever context that comes out as), you need somethin to make it better. Alcohol.

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